add constraints

This commit is contained in:
Nick Griffey 2024-02-01 21:32:09 -06:00
parent 0f99098de5
commit c01289cae5
1 changed files with 27 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -13,35 +13,48 @@ insert into people values
('thompan01', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'Thompson', null, null, null, null, null, '1875-04-26', '1875-05-17', null, 'thompan01');
update people
set bbrefID = null
where bbrefID = '';
birthYear = nullif(birthYear, ''),
birthMonth = nullif(birthMonth, ''),
birthDay = nullif(birthDay, ''),
deathYear = nullif(deathYear, ''),
deathMonth = nullif(deathMonth, ''),
deathDay = nullif(deathDay, ''),
weight = nullif(weight, ''),
height = nullif(height, ''),
bats = nullif(bats, ''),
throws = nullif(throws, ''),
debut = nullif(debut, ''),
finalGame = nullif(finalGame, ''),
bbrefID = nullif(bbrefid, ''),
retroID = nullif(retroid, '');
update people
set retroID = null
where retroID = '';
set throws = 'B'
where throws = 'S';
CREATE TABLE main."people" (
"ID" text,
"birthYear" NUMERIC,
"birthMonth" NUMERIC,
"birthDay" NUMERIC,
"birthMonth" NUMERIC check ("birthMonth" in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)),
"birthDay" NUMERIC check ("birthDay" between 1 and 31),
"birthCountry" text,
"birthState" text,
"birthCity" text,
"deathYear" text,
"deathMonth" text,
"deathDay" text,
"deathYear" numeric,
"deathMonth" numeric check ("deathMonth" in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)),
"deathDay" numeric check ("deathDay" between 1 and 31),
"deathCountry" text,
"deathState" text,
"deathCity" text,
"nameFirst" text,
"nameLast" text,
"nameGiven" text,
"weight" NUMERIC,
"height" NUMERIC,
"bats" text,
"throws" text,
"debut" text,
"weight" NUMERIC check ("weight" > 0),
"height" NUMERIC check ("height" > 0),
"bats" text check ("bats" in ('L','R','B')),
"throws" text check ("throws" in ('L','R','B')),
"debut" text check (unixepoch("debut") <= unixepoch("finalGame")),
"finalGame" text,
"retroID" text unique,
"bbrefID" text unique,