pragma foreign_keys = 0; begin; attach database 'baseball-raw.db' as 'raw'; create temp table homegames as select * from "raw".homegames; alter table "homegames" drop column "league.key"; update homegames set "team.key" = 'WS9' where "team.key" = 'WAS' and "year.key" between 1891 and 1899; update homegames set "team.key" = 'PHP' where "team.key" = 'PH4' and "year.key" between 1890 and 1891; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main."homegames" ( "year" NUMERIC, "team" TEXT, "park" TEXT, "first" TEXT check(unixepoch("first") <= unixepoch("last")), "last" TEXT, "games" NUMERIC, "openings" NUMERIC, "attendance" NUMERIC, PRIMARY KEY("year","team","park"), foreign key("park") references "parks"("ID"), foreign key("year","team") references "teamseasons"("year","team") ); insert into main.homegames select distinct * from temp."homegames"; commit;