pragma foreign_keys = 0; begin; attach database 'lahman-raw.db' as 'raw'; create temp table teamseasons as select * from teams; update teamseasons set teamid = 'WS9' where teamid = 'WAS' and franchid = 'WAS'; update teamseasons set teamid = 'PHP' where teamid = 'PH4' and franchid = 'PHQ'; -- set game totals from bbref update teamseasons set G = 160 where yearid = 1979 and teamid = 'CHA'; update teamseasons set G = 161 where yearid = 1979 and teamid = 'DET'; update teamseasons set G = 132 where yearid = 1897 and teamid = 'CL4'; update teamseasons set G = 155 where yearid = 1892 and teamid = 'PIT'; update teamseasons set G = 18 where yearid = 1884 and teamid = 'WIL'; update teamseasons set G = 105 where yearid = 1884 and teamid = 'CNU'; update teamseasons set G = 80 where yearid = 1882 and teamid = 'SL4'; update teamseasons set G = 80 where yearid = 1882 and teamid = 'LS2'; update teamseasons set divid = nullif(divid, ''), G = nullif(G, ''), Ghome = nullif(Ghome, ''), W = nullif(W, ''), L = nullif(L, ''), divwin = nullif(divwin,''), wcwin = nullif(wcwin,''), lgwin = nullif(lgwin,''), wswin = nullif(wswin,''), CG = nullif(CG, ''), SHO = nullif(SHO, ''), SV = nullif(SV, ''), IPouts = nullif(IPouts, ''), H = nullif(H, ''), "2B" = nullif("2B", ''), "3B" = nullif("3B", ''), HR = nullif(HR, ''), ER = nullif(ER, ''), HR = nullif(HR, ''), BB = nullif(BB, ''), SO = nullif(SO, ''), HBP = nullif(HBP, ''), R = nullif(R, ''), SF = nullif(SF, ''), attendance = nullif(attendance, ''); alter table "teamseasons" drop column "franchID"; create table if not exists main."teamseasons" ( "year" NUMERIC, "league" TEXT, "team" TEXT, "division" TEXT, "Rank" NUMERIC, "G" NUMERIC check (W + L <= G), "Ghome" NUMERIC check (GHome <= G), "W" NUMERIC check (W <= G), "L" NUMERIC check (L <= G), "DivWin" NUMERIC check (divwin in ('Y','N')), "WCWin" NUMERIC check (wcwin in ('Y','N')), "LgWin" NUMERIC check (lgwin in ('Y','N')), "WSWin" NUMERIC check (wswin in ('Y','N')), "R" NUMERIC, "AB" NUMERIC, "H" NUMERIC check (H <= AB), "2B" NUMERIC check ("2B" <= H), "3B" NUMERIC check ("3B" <= H), "HR" NUMERIC check (HR <= H), "BB" NUMERIC, "SO" NUMERIC check (SO <= AB), "SB" NUMERIC, "CS" NUMERIC, "HBP" NUMERIC, "SF" NUMERIC, "RA" NUMERIC, "ER" NUMERIC check (ER <= RA), "ERA" NUMERIC, "CG" NUMERIC check (CG <= G), "SHO" NUMERIC check (SHO <= G), "SV" NUMERIC check (SV <= G), "IPouts" NUMERIC, "HA" NUMERIC, "HRA" NUMERIC check (HRA <= HA), "BBA" NUMERIC, "SOA" NUMERIC check (SOA <= IPouts), "E" NUMERIC, "DP" NUMERIC check (2 * DP <= IPouts), "FP" NUMERIC, "name" NUMERIC, "park" NUMERIC, "attendance" NUMERIC, "BPF" NUMERIC, "PPF" NUMERIC, "teamIDBR" TEXT, "teamIDlahman45" TEXT, "teamIDretro" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("year","team"), UNIQUE("year","teamIDBR"), UNIQUE("year","teamIDlahman45"), UNIQUE("year","teamIDretro"), foreign key("year") references "seasons"("year"), foreign key("league") references "leagues"("ID"), foreign key("team") references "teams"("ID") ); insert into main.teamseasons select distinct * from temp."teamseasons"; commit;