From 4d42e6cae8f19c85764ccd863b53227a9a783a8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nick Griffey Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 21:46:28 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] add timestamps --- timeline.sql | 741 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 385 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-) diff --git a/timeline.sql b/timeline.sql index 2c4aca4..c9b38f1 100644 --- a/timeline.sql +++ b/timeline.sql @@ -5,41 +5,41 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "events" ( "interval" text, "period" text ); -INSERT INTO "events" VALUES ('Big Bang occurs when ordinary space and time develop from a primeval state (possibly a false vacuum) described by a quantum theory of gravity or "theory of everything".',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), +INSERT INTO "events" VALUES ('Big Bang occurs when ordinary space and time develop from a primeval state (possibly a false vacuum) described by a quantum theory of gravity or "theory of everything".',-432000000000000000,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Infant universe cools as it begins expanding outward. The universe is almost completely smooth, as quantum variations begin to cause slight variations in density.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('The expansion decelerates.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), - ('Recombination; electrons combine with nuclei to form atoms, mostly hydrogen and helium, ordinary matter particles decouple from radiation.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), + ('Recombination; electrons combine with nuclei to form atoms, mostly hydrogen and helium, ordinary matter particles decouple from radiation.',-431988070000000000,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('First stars.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of HD 140283, the "Methuselah star", seemingly more than 14 Ga ago.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of the star SMSS J031300.36−670839.3.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), - ('Reionization begins, with certain wavelengths of light absorption by neutral hydrogen making Gunn–Peterson troughs.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), + ('Reionization begins, with certain wavelengths of light absorption by neutral hydrogen making Gunn–Peterson troughs.',-430799998291697524,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('The resulting ionized gas (mainly free electrons) in the intergalactic medium causes some light scattering, but with much lower opacity than before recombination due to cosmic expansion and gas clumping into galaxies.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of galaxies.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('HD1 galaxy forms.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), - ('Earliest quasars.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), - ('The exoplanet PSR B1620-26 b forms. It is a gas giant, the oldest observed exoplanet in the Universe, orbiting a pulsar and a white dwarf.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), + ('Earliest quasars.',-414299998291697536,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), + ('The exoplanet PSR B1620-26 b forms. It is a gas giant, the oldest observed exoplanet in the Universe, orbiting a pulsar and a white dwarf.',-400799998291697524,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Visual limit of Hubble Deep Field. Since (known) universe still small in size, galaxy interactions become common as larger and larger galaxies form out of galaxy merger process.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Due to many being Population III stars (some Population II stars at this time); they are much bigger and hotter, and their lifespans are fairly short. Unlike later generations of stars, these stars are metal-free.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('SN 1000+0216, oldest observed supernova, occurs.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Terzan 5 forms as a small dwarf galaxy on a collision course towards the Milky Way. The dwarf galaxy carrying the Methuselah Star is consumed by the Milky Way.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of the star clusters NGC 6522 and Omega Centauri.',NULL,'13.8 Ga – 11 Ga',NULL), - ('Formation of the Gliese 581 planetary system, BX442 (oldest grand design spiral galaxy observed), globular cluster NGC 2808, red giant star Mu Cephei, and the Andromeda Galaxy.',NULL,'11 Ga – 9 Ga',NULL), + ('Formation of the Gliese 581 planetary system, BX442 (oldest grand design spiral galaxy observed), globular cluster NGC 2808, red giant star Mu Cephei, and the Andromeda Galaxy.',-337999998291697524,'11 Ga – 9 Ga',NULL), ('Barnard''s Star (nearby red dwarf star) may have formed.',NULL,'11 Ga – 9 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of the earliest Population I stars and planetary nebulae, followed by rocky terrestrial planets, moons, asteroids and icy comets.',NULL,'9 Ga – 7 Ga',NULL), ('Formation of the exoplanets 55 Cancri B, Kepler 11 c and 51 Pegasi b.',NULL,'9 Ga – 7 Ga',NULL), - ('A galaxy collides with the Milky Way, giving rise to the so-called Gaia Sausage population of stars. Formation of Gliese 876 and its planets.[1]',NULL,'9 Ga – 7 Ga',NULL), - ('Formation of the exoplanets Kepler 452b and GJ 1214 b and the stars Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti.',NULL,'7 Ga – 5.5 Ga',NULL), - ('The dark-energy dominated era starts after the matter-dominated era.',NULL,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon + ('A galaxy collides with the Milky Way, giving rise to the so-called Gaia Sausage population of stars. Formation of Gliese 876 and its planets.[1]',-251999998291697524,'9 Ga – 7 Ga',NULL), + ('Formation of the exoplanets Kepler 452b and GJ 1214 b and the stars Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti.',-169999998292123435,'7 Ga – 5.5 Ga',NULL), + ('The dark-energy dominated era starts after the matter-dominated era.',-173599998291697524,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon Hadean eon Pre-Noachian era (Mars) Pre-Tolstojan period (Mercury) Pre-Nectarian period (Moon)'), - ('Formation of the open star cluster Messier 67.',NULL,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon + ('Formation of the open star cluster Messier 67.',-157799998291697524,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon Hadean eon Pre-Noachian era (Mars) Pre-Tolstojan period (Mercury) Pre-Nectarian period (Moon)'), - ('A primal supernova possibly triggers the formation and evolution of the Solar System.',NULL,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon + ('A primal supernova possibly triggers the formation and evolution of the Solar System.',-149999998292123435,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon Hadean eon Pre-Noachian era (Mars) Pre-Tolstojan period (Mercury) @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Hadean eon Pre-Noachian era (Mars) Pre-Tolstojan period (Mercury) Pre-Nectarian period (Moon)'), - ('The Earth-Moon system is formed after a giant impact by the hypothetical planetoid Theia',NULL,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon + ('The Earth-Moon system is formed after a giant impact by the hypothetical planetoid Theia',-141999998291697524,'5.5 Ga – 4.5 Ga','Precambrian Supereon Hadean eon Pre-Noachian era (Mars) Pre-Tolstojan period (Mercury) @@ -81,19 +81,19 @@ Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. Nectarian era Imbrian period'), - ('After moon forms, oldest lunar crust, formed of lunar anorthosite, differentiates from lower magmas. Earliest Earth crust probably made similarly out of similar material. Earth''s crust cools enough to let oceans form.',NULL,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon + ('After moon forms, oldest lunar crust, formed of lunar anorthosite, differentiates from lower magmas. Earliest Earth crust probably made similarly out of similar material. Earth''s crust cools enough to let oceans form.',-119899998291697524,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon beginning of Archaean eon Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. Nectarian era Imbrian period'), - ('Oldest known mineral, found in the Jack Hills, Australia. Detrital zircons show presence of solid crust and liquid water.',NULL,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon + ('Oldest known mineral, found in the Jack Hills, Australia. Detrital zircons show presence of solid crust and liquid water.',-138899998291697524,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon beginning of Archaean eon Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. Nectarian era Imbrian period'), - ('Resonance at Jupiter and Saturn''s orbits moves Neptune into the Kuiper belt, causing disruption among asteroids and comets there, so the Late Heavy Bombardment batters the inner Solar System (possibly).',NULL,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon + ('Resonance at Jupiter and Saturn''s orbits moves Neptune into the Kuiper belt, causing disruption among asteroids and comets there, so the Late Heavy Bombardment batters the inner Solar System (possibly).',-129399998291697524,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon beginning of Archaean eon Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. Nectarian era Imbrian period'), - ('Earliest known life forms: unusually high amounts of light isotopes of carbon, a common sign of life, found in mineral deposits aged 4.25 Ga located in the Jack Hills of Western Australia.[2][3]',NULL,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon + ('Earliest known life forms: unusually high amounts of light isotopes of carbon, a common sign of life, found in mineral deposits aged 4.25 Ga located in the Jack Hills of Western Australia.[2][3]',-133999998292123435,'4.5 Ga – 3.5 Ga','Hadean eon beginning of Archaean eon Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Eoarchean era Basin Groups era. Nectarian era Imbrian period'), - ('Microbial mat fossils[9][10] and signs of life on land.[11] in Western Australia.',NULL,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon + ('Microbial mat fossils and signs of life on land in Western Australia.',-109799998291697524,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon Paleoarchean era Mesoarchean era Amazonian period (Mars) @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Paleoarchean era Mesoarchean era Amazonian period (Mars) Eratosthenian period'), - ('Formation of the continent Ur, covering between 12 and 16% of current continental crust.',NULL,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon + ('Formation of the continent Ur, covering between 12 and 16% of current continental crust.',-97799998291697524,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon Paleoarchean era Mesoarchean era Amazonian period (Mars) @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Paleoarchean era Mesoarchean era Amazonian period (Mars) Eratosthenian period'), - ('Possible Cyanobacteria (photosynthesis).[12]',NULL,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon + ('Possible Cyanobacteria (photosynthesis).',-110399998291697524,'3.5 Ga – 2.8 Ga','Archaean eon Paleoarchean era Mesoarchean era Amazonian period (Mars) @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Beginning of Proterozoic eon Paleoproterozoic era Siderian period Rhyacian period'), - ('Without oxygen sink, Earth''s atmosphere becomes highly oxygenic. Lomagundi-Jatuli event (Great Oxygenation Event) led by cyanobacteria''s oxygenic photosynthesis – various forms of Archaea and anoxic bacteria become extinct in the first major extinction event on Earth.',NULL,'2.8 Ga – 2.2 Ga','Neoarchean era + ('Without oxygen sink, Earth''s atmosphere becomes highly oxygenic. Lomagundi-Jatuli event (Great Oxygenation Event) led by cyanobacteria''s oxygenic photosynthesis – various forms of Archaea and anoxic bacteria become extinct in the first major extinction event on Earth.',-77579998291697524,'2.8 Ga – 2.2 Ga','Neoarchean era End of Archaean eon Beginning of Proterozoic eon Paleoproterozoic era @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ Orosirian period'), Orosirian period'), ('Milky Way perturbed by collision.[17]',NULL,'2.2 Ga – 1.8 Ga','Paleoproterozoic era Orosirian period'), - ('Lesser supercontinent Atlantica forms. Oklo natural nuclear reactor of Gabon made by uranium precipitant bacteria.',NULL,'2.2 Ga – 1.8 Ga','Paleoproterozoic era + ('Lesser supercontinent Atlantica forms. Oklo natural nuclear reactor of Gabon made by uranium precipitant bacteria.',-63113902291698284,'2.2 Ga – 1.8 Ga','Paleoproterozoic era Orosirian period'), ('Formation of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System.',NULL,'2.2 Ga – 1.8 Ga','Paleoproterozoic era Orosirian period'), @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Orosirian period'), Orosirian period'), ('Columbia supercontinent.',NULL,'2.2 Ga – 1.8 Ga','Paleoproterozoic era Orosirian period'), - ('Supercontinent Columbia forms, one of whose fragments being Nena.',NULL,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic + ('Supercontinent Columbia forms, one of whose fragments being Nena.',-56802511891700692,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), ('Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy captured into orbit around Milky Way.',NULL,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), @@ -352,27 +352,27 @@ beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), ('Erosion of granite introduces copper, zinc, and molybdenum into surface waters.[19]',NULL,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), - ('Supercontinent Columbia splits apart: linked to continental rifting along west margin of Laurentia, east India, south Baltica, southeast Siberia, northwest South Africa and North China Block, formation of Ghats Province in India. First structurally complex eukaryotes (Horodyskia, colonial formamiferian).',NULL,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic + ('Supercontinent Columbia splits apart: linked to continental rifting along west margin of Laurentia, east India, south Baltica, southeast Siberia, northwest South Africa and North China Block, formation of Ghats Province in India. First structurally complex eukaryotes (Horodyskia, colonial formamiferian).',-47335426291700635,'1.8 Ga – 1.4 Ga','Statherian period, end of Paleoproterozoic beginning of Mesoproterozoic era, Calymmian period'), - ('Major increase in Stromatolite diversity as common cyanobacteria colonies and reefs dominating tidal zones of oceans and seas.',NULL,'1.4 Ga – 1.1 Ga','Mesoproterozoic era + ('Major increase in Stromatolite diversity as common cyanobacteria colonies and reefs dominating tidal zones of oceans and seas.',-39446188291700741,'1.4 Ga – 1.1 Ga','Mesoproterozoic era Ectasian period, beginning of Stenian period'), ('Eukaryotes found in lakes.[20]',NULL,'1.4 Ga – 1.1 Ga','Mesoproterozoic era Ectasian period, beginning of Stenian period'), ('Supercontinent of Rodinia formed, consisting of North American, East European, Amazonian, West African, East Antarctica, Australia and China blocks, largest global system yet made – surrounded by superocean Mirovia',NULL,'1.4 Ga – 1.1 Ga','Mesoproterozoic era Ectasian period, beginning of Stenian period'), - ('First dinoflagellates; photosynthetic, several develop mixotrophic ways of ingesting prey. Thus, they are the first predators, forcing acritarchs to develop defensive strategies. Formation of the Gamburtsev Mountain Range and the Vostok Subglacial Highlands, both in Antarctica. The Keweenawan Rift buckles in south central part of the North American plate, leaving behind large layers of rock that are exposed in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska, making a rift valley where Lake Superior develops.',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era + ('First dinoflagellates; photosynthetic, several develop mixotrophic ways of ingesting prey. Thus, they are the first predators, forcing acritarchs to develop defensive strategies. Formation of the Gamburtsev Mountain Range and the Vostok Subglacial Highlands, both in Antarctica. The Keweenawan Rift buckles in south central part of the North American plate, leaving behind large layers of rock that are exposed in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska, making a rift valley where Lake Superior develops.',-34712645491700942,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era beginning of Neoproterozoic era and Tonian period. Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('On the moon, the emergence of impact craters possessing bright ray systems with optical characteristics of a relatively young regolith.',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era beginning of Neoproterozoic era and Tonian period. Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), - ('Coming together of Rodinia supercontinent.',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era + ('Coming together of Rodinia supercontinent.',-39761757811700922,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era beginning of Neoproterozoic era and Tonian period. Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Mercury changes into a desolate cold planet influenced by space erosion and solar wind extremes. Titan begins evolving recognizable surface features including rivers, lakes and deltas.',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era beginning of Neoproterozoic era and Tonian period. Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), - ('Fossils of organisms with two kinds of cells (cellular differentiation).[21][22]',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era + ('Fossils of organisms with two kinds of cells (cellular differentiation).',-31556950291700853,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era beginning of Neoproterozoic era and Tonian period. Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('First radiation of dinoflagellates and acritarchs – increase in defensive systems indicate acritarchs are responding to carnivorous habits of dinoflagellates – decline in stromatolite reef populations begins. Rodinia starts to split. First Vaucheria algae. Trace fossils of colonial Horodyskia.',NULL,'1.1 Ga – 900 Ma','End of Stenian period, end of Mesoproterozoic era @@ -382,12 +382,12 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Rift develops on Rodinia between continental masses of Australia, east Antarctica, Indian subcontinent, Congo and Kalahari on one side and Laurentia, Baltica, Amazonia, West African and Rio de la Plata cratons on other – formation of Adamastor Ocean.',NULL,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), ('Terrestrial fungi.[27][28]',NULL,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), ('First Protozoa appear. As creatures like Paramecium, Amoeba and Melanocyrillium appear, first animal-like cells become distinctive from plants – rise of herbivores in the food chain.',NULL,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), - ('Breakup of Rodinia, Sturtian glaciation begins, one of at least three episodes of Snowball Earth – great ice sheets cover most of planet stunting evolution of animal and plant life – survival based on small pockets of heat under ice.',NULL,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), + ('Breakup of Rodinia, Sturtian glaciation begins, one of at least three episodes of Snowball Earth – great ice sheets cover most of planet stunting evolution of animal and plant life – survival based on small pockets of heat under ice.',-22626332875701119,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), ('Volcanism on Venus practically stops.',NULL,'900 Ma – 700 Ma','Tonian period, beginning of Cryogenian period'), ('Worm trail impressions – putative "burrows" under stromatolite mounds of uneven width and tapering, making biological origin difficult to defend – structures imply simple eating behaviours. Rifting of Rodinia comes to an end: formation of new superocean Panthalassa as the previous Mirovia ocean bed closes.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('Demosponges appear.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), - ('Pannotia supercontinent forms, bordered by Iapetus and Panthalassa oceans, then breaks up into Laurentia, Gondwana, Angaraland and Baltica. Accumulation of atmospheric oxygen allows for formation of ozone layer: prior to this, land-based life would have required other chemicals to attenuate ultraviolet radiation enough to allow colonization of land. Marinoan glaciation. First non-microscopic life (Ediacaran biota). Rangeomorphs.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), - ('End of Marinoan Glaciation: last major "snowball Earth" event as future ice ages will feature less overall ice coverage of planet.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), + ('Pannotia supercontinent forms, bordered by Iapetus and Panthalassa oceans, then breaks up into Laurentia, Gondwana, Angaraland and Baltica. Accumulation of atmospheric oxygen allows for formation of ozone layer: prior to this, land-based life would have required other chemicals to attenuate ultraviolet radiation enough to allow colonization of land. Marinoan glaciation. First non-microscopic life (Ediacaran biota). Rangeomorphs.',-20512017091701445,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), + ('End of Marinoan Glaciation: last major "snowball Earth" event as future ice ages will feature less overall ice coverage of planet.',-19953459041301297,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('First Ediacaran type fossils.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('First evolution of Charnia, a frond-like organism.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('Worm burrows and bilaterally symmetrical animals exist. Earliest arthropods and fungi.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), @@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Mollusk Kimberella appears.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('Shuram excursion of δ13C, possibly connected to rise of first Cambrian-like animals such as arthropod-like Yilingia.[29]',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('First possible comb jellies, corals, and anemones.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), - ('Ayers Rock begins forming.',NULL,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), + ('Ayers Rock begins forming.',-17356321891701209,'700 Ma – 550 Ma','Cryogenian period, Ediacaran period'), ('Small shelly fauna appear.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), - ('Cambrian explosion. Fish-like Myllokunmingia, Haikouichthys, and Pikaia. First conodonts.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), + ('Cambrian explosion. Fish-like Myllokunmingia, Haikouichthys, and Pikaia. First conodonts.',-17002884029301773,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('First graptolites.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Trilobites.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Radiodonts, including earliest large predators known.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), @@ -406,15 +406,15 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Stifling hot "Dead Interval".[32]',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('End-Botomian mass extinction.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Paradoxides trilobites appear, largest members of Cambrian trilobites.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), - ('Earliest crustaceans.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), + ('Earliest crustaceans.',-16125600763701747,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('First great apex predator Anomalocaris dominates.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Mountain building at the northern parts of Ireland and Britain, Scandinavian Mountains, Svalbard, east Greenland and north central Europe.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Earliest brittle stars.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Jawless Thelodont fish.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), - ('Appalachian Mountains form.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), + ('Appalachian Mountains form.',-15778474291701631,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('First fossils of plants on land.[33]',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), - ('First eurypterids or "sea scorpions". Collision of asteroids gives rise to L chondrite group of meteoroids and several craters ca. 470 Ma ago (Ordovician meteor event).[34]',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), + ('First eurypterids or "sea scorpions". Collision of asteroids gives rise to L chondrite group of meteoroids and several craters ca. 470 Ma ago (Ordovician meteor event).',-14831765731701799,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('First crinoids.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('Andean-Saharan glaciation.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), ('First starfish, jawed fish or Gnathostomata, horseshoe crabs sea urchins, placoderms, cartilaginous fish (such as sharks) and bony fish.',NULL,'550 Ma – 450 Ma','End of Ediacaran. Beginning of Phanerozoic Eon (lasting till now) and Palaeozoic Era. Cambrian period (541–485 Ma) – Ordovician (485–443 Ma)'), @@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Earliest appearance of Cooksonia, the oldest known plant to have stems with vascular tissue and thus the transitional form between primitive nonvascular bryophytes and vascular plants.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('First creature to breathe air. First ray-finned fish and land scorpions.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Prototaxites, tree-like organism, probably a fungus or lichen.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), - ('First clear evidence of land animals (millipedes or scorpions).[33]',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), + ('First clear evidence of land animals (millipedes or scorpions).',-13506373747701949,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('First wood.[35][36]',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Cephalaspis, an iconic member of Osteostraci, appears, the most advanced of jawless fish. Its boney armor serves as a shield against Placoderms and as a way to live in calcium-poor fresh water.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('First toothed fish and nautiloids.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('First of many modern groups, including tetrapods.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Jaekelopterus, giant "sea scorpion".',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), - ('First amphibians, the Labyrinthodontia, the group that now includes reptiles and mammals.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), + ('First amphibians, the Labyrinthodontia, the group that now includes reptiles and mammals.',-11044931491701919,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Archaeopteris (fern-like trees),',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Tiktaalik (lungfish) walks on land.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Ichthyostega.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Beginning of Karoo Ice Age.',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('Romer''s gap in the tetrapod record.[37]',NULL,'450 Ma – 350 Ma','Silurian (443–419 Ma) – Devonian (416–359 Ma)'), ('First large sharks, ratfish and hagfish.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), - ('Karoo Ice Age. Formation of Pangaea supercontinent. Oxygen levels rise and animals colonize the land a second time.[33]',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), + ('Karoo Ice Age. Formation of Pangaea supercontinent. Oxygen levels rise and animals colonize the land a second time.',-10571577211702200,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('Agaricocrinus americanus, a representative of the Crinoids, appears as part of successful radiation of echinoderms.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('First amniotes.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('Millipedes up to 2.6 metres in length.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ Beginning of Copernican period on moon'), ('Oldest known octopus.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('Dimetrodons.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('Prionosuchus, a large carnivorous amphibian.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), - ('Sirius, brightest star at Earth''s sky, forms.',NULL,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), + ('Sirius, brightest star at Earth''s sky, forms.',-7636780675702117,'350 Ma – 280 Ma','Carboniferous (359–299 Ma), beginning of Permian period (299–252 Ma)'), ('Cycads, seed ferns.',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('First therapsids.',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('Cynodonts and rhynchosaurs diversify.',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), - ('First dinosaurs and teleosti.',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era + ('First dinosaurs and teleosti.',-7668337627702261,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('First crocodilians and flies..',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), @@ -487,23 +487,23 @@ beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('First lizards.',NULL,'280 Ma – 220 Ma','Permian period, end of Paleozoic era beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), - ('First redwoods.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), + ('First redwoods.',-6942527731702535,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Long necked sauropods and Coelophysis, one of the earliest theropods.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Plateosaurus in central and northern Europe, Greenland and North America.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Earliest elasmosauridae.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Central Atlantic magmatic province eruptions, apparently cause global warming and the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event – extinction of conodonts and many other animals. Oxygen in atmosphere hits low of about 12%.[33]',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('First squamata.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Pliosaurs appear, along with many groups of sea invertebrates.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), - ('Breakup of Pangaea into Gondwana at south and Laurasia at north. Mammals. Gymnosperms (especially conifers, Bennettitales, and cycads) and ferns common. Sauropods, carnosaurs, stegosaurs.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), + ('Breakup of Pangaea into Gondwana at south and Laurasia at north. Mammals. Gymnosperms (especially conifers, Bennettitales, and cycads) and ferns common. Sauropods, carnosaurs, stegosaurs.',-6311388691702403,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('Toarcian turnover (extinction).',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), - ('Gondwana breaks up.',NULL,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), + ('Gondwana breaks up.',-5806477459702316,'220 Ma – 180 Ma','Triassic, Jurassic (201–145 Ma)'), ('First stegosaurs.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First salamanders and newts. Cynodonts go extinct.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First rays and Glycymerididae bivalves.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('The first gliding mammal, volaticotherium, appears.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First ceratopsians.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('Possible true polar wander moves east Asia southward by 25°, leading to aridification.[42]',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), - ('Indian subcontinent splits from East Gondwana.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), + ('Indian subcontinent splits from East Gondwana.',-4102402051702690,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First triconodonts. Stegosaurs and theropods diversify.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First pine trees.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('Juramaia sinensis, the first known eutherian mammal.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('The Small Magellanic Cloud passes through the Large Magellanic Cloud.[43][44]',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First mantises.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), ('First orb weaver spiders.',NULL,'180 Ma – 140 Ma','Jurassic'), - ('Laurasia and Gondwana continue to separate as the Atlantic Ocean forms. First anglerfish.',NULL,'140 Ma – 110 Ma','Early Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), Aptian and Albian ages'), + ('Laurasia and Gondwana continue to separate as the Atlantic Ocean forms. First anglerfish.',-4417971571702832,'140 Ma – 110 Ma','Early Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), Aptian and Albian ages'), ('Flowering plants.',NULL,'140 Ma – 110 Ma','Early Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), Aptian and Albian ages'), ('First Enantiornithes or "backward birds".',NULL,'140 Ma – 110 Ma','Early Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), Aptian and Albian ages'), ('Sinodelphys szalayi, the first known marsupial, appears in China.',NULL,'140 Ma – 110 Ma','Early Cretaceous (145 – 100 Ma), Aptian and Albian ages'), @@ -528,26 +528,26 @@ beginning of Mesozoic era, Triassic period (252–201 Ma)'), ('Bees.',NULL,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), ('Mammals diversify into many forms.[48]',NULL,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), ('The earliest modern species of palm trees appear.',NULL,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), - ('Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (oceans anoxic for half a million years),[49] extinction of ichthyosaurs.',NULL,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), + ('Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (oceans anoxic for half a million years), extinction of ichthyosaurs.',-2963196084503354,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), ('Ticks.',NULL,'110 Ma – 90 Ma','Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian ages'), ('First hadrosauridae.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), ('Dominance of angiosperm rosids.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), - ('Australia splits from Antarctica. First ants.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), - ('Rocky Mountains begin forming.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), - ('First velociraptors.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), + ('Australia splits from Antarctica. First ants.',-1672516747703548,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), + ('Rocky Mountains begin forming.',-2524554451703485,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), + ('First velociraptors.',-2366769691703798,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), ('Multituberculates diversify.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), ('Zealandia breaks away from Australia.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), ('Mosasaurs are dominant marine predator.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), - ('Polaris forms.',NULL,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), + ('Polaris forms.',-2114314075703644,'90 Ma – 70 Ma','Campanian and Maastrichtian ages of the Cretaceous'), ('Evidence for grasses in dinosaur dung (coprolites).',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), - ('Tyrannosaurus rex. Earliest species of Triceratops. Quetzalcoatlus, one of the largest flying animals ever, appears.',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era + ('Tyrannosaurus rex. Earliest species of Triceratops. Quetzalcoatlus, one of the largest flying animals ever, appears.',-2294188702103884,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), ('Crocodiles.',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), ('Madagascar breaks away from India.',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), - ('Bolide creates Chicxulub Crater. Deccan Traps. Possible Shiva crater. Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, (non-avian) dinosaurs die out.',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era + ('Bolide creates Chicxulub Crater. Deccan Traps. Possible Shiva crater. Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction Event, (non-avian) dinosaurs die out.',-2082757123703844,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), ('First creodonts.',NULL,'70 Ma – 55 Ma','End of Mesozoic era start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma)'), @@ -570,27 +570,27 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('First bats.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), ('The Andes begin to rise.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), ('Divergence of the ancestors of cats and dogs. Primates diversify. Brontotheres, tapirs and rhinos appear.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), - ('India crashes into Asia, giving rise to the Himalayas.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), + ('India crashes into Asia, giving rise to the Himalayas.',-1577845891704337,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), ('First cetaceans, (whales) and simians.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), - ('Azolla event reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), + ('Azolla event reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.',-1546288939704429,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), ('Camels arise in North America.',NULL,'55 Ma – 45 Ma','Early Eocene'), - ('Catarrhini. Earliest canines. Lepidoptera insects become recognizable. The Gastornis goes extinct. Basilosaurus.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), + ('Catarrhini. Earliest canines. Lepidoptera insects become recognizable. The Gastornis goes extinct. Basilosaurus.',-1262276371704569,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('Primates cross the Atlantic to South America and become the ancestors of New World monkeys.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('First Nimravids.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('Earliest elephant-like animal, the Moeritherium.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('Grasses common. 100 km Popigai impact structure in Siberia.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('The Grasslands appear. Glyptodonts, ground sloths, peccaries, eagles and hawks appear.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), - ('2-mile (3.2 km) diameter bolide creates 90 km Chesapeake Bay impact crater.',NULL,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), + ('2-mile (3.2 km) diameter bolide creates 90 km Chesapeake Bay impact crater.',-1120270087704480,'45 Ma – 35 Ma','Eocene'), ('The Tasmanian Seaway and the Drake Passage open, creating the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('Earliest thylacinid marsupials.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), - ('Brontotheres go extinct. Pigs. South America splits from Antarctica.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), + ('Brontotheres go extinct. Pigs. South America splits from Antarctica.',-946706851704612,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('Baleen whales appear.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('Gould Belt of stars created.[50]',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('Alps begin to rise. Earliest indricotheria, "hornless rhinoceros" about 6 meters high.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('Paraceratherium. First pelicans.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), - ('Eruption of La Garita Caldera in Colorado, one of the largest in Earth''s history.',NULL,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), + ('Eruption of La Garita Caldera in Colorado, one of the largest in Earth''s history.',-883592947704699,'35 Ma – 28 Ma','Beginning of Oligocene epoch (34 – 23 Ma)'), ('First deer. Proailurus cats.',NULL,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), - ('Pelagornis sandersi, largest known flying bird with wingspan of 6 or 7 meters.',NULL,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), + ('Pelagornis sandersi, largest known flying bird with wingspan of 6 or 7 meters.',-788922091704812,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), ('First hyenas.',NULL,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), ('Puijila darwini, early pinniped.',NULL,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), ('Daeodon shoshonensis ("terminator pig").',NULL,'28 Ma – 22 Ma','Oligocene, Chattian age'), @@ -598,26 +598,26 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Dawn bear which is ancestor of bears.',NULL,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), ('Giraffes and giant anteaters.',NULL,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), ('Sharp decrease in water exchange between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea due to partial closure of Mesopotamian Seaway.[51]',NULL,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), - ('Cooling and drying of the climate in North America.[51]',NULL,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), + ('Cooling and drying of the climate in North America.[51]',-694251235704866,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), ('Pseudaelurus felid comes to America.',NULL,'22 Ma – 18 Ma','Beginning of Neogene period, Miocene epoch (23 to 5 Ma), Aquitanian age'), ('Hominidae split from gibbons.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('Hippopotamus.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('First mastodons, bovids and kangaroos. Australian megafauna diversify.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), - ('Antarctica now mostly ice-covered.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), + ('Antarctica now mostly ice-covered.',-441795619780541,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('Africa and Arabia crash into Eurasia, end of the Tethys Sea.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('Columbia River basalts.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('First deinotheres, similar to elephants but with tusks on their lower jaw.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('Nördlinger Ries impact crater.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), - ('Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, Middle Miocene disruption.',NULL,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), + ('Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum, Middle Miocene disruption.',-441795619780584,'18 Ma – 14 Ma','Miocene, Burdigalian age, Langhian age'), ('Last of Adapiformes.',NULL,'14 Ma – 11 Ma','Miocene, Serravallian age'), ('Final closure of Mesopotamian Seaway.[51]',NULL,'14 Ma – 11 Ma','Miocene, Serravallian age'), - ('Anoiapithecus, one of the earliest hominids, in Spain.',NULL,'14 Ma – 11 Ma','Miocene, Serravallian age'), + ('Anoiapithecus, one of the earliest hominids, in Spain.',-378681715780703,'14 Ma – 11 Ma','Miocene, Serravallian age'), ('Olympic Mountains reach present height.',NULL,'11 Ma – 9 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), ('Insects diversify. First large horses. Camels cross from North America to Asia.',NULL,'11 Ma – 9 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), - ('Rudapithecus, a great ape that was probably bipedal.[52][53]',NULL,'11 Ma – 9 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), + ('Rudapithecus, a great ape that was probably bipedal.',-315567811780735,'11 Ma – 9 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), ('Earliest Gigantopithecus, ape almost 10 feet (3.0 m) tall.',NULL,'9 Ma – 7 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), ('C4 grasses become common.',NULL,'9 Ma – 7 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), - ('Betelgeuse forms.',NULL,'9 Ma – 7 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), + ('Betelgeuse forms.',-252453907780783,'9 Ma – 7 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), ('Crocodiles cross Atlantic to America.[54]',NULL,'9 Ma – 7 Ma','Miocene, Tortonian age'), ('Red pandas diversify.',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), ('Graecopithecus ("Greek ape"), possibly ancestor of hominins.',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), @@ -627,61 +627,61 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Orrorin tugenensis, possible hominin.',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), ('Apparent hominin footprints near Trachilos, on Crete.[55][56]',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), ('Mediterranean Sea dries up (Messinian Event).',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), - ('Human-chimp split.',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), + ('Human-chimp split.',-157783051780864,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), ('Appearance of genus Ardipithecus.',NULL,'7 Ma – 5.5 Ma','Miocene, Messinian age'), ('Zanclean Deluge.',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('Ardipithecus ramidus, Australopithecus anamensis.',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('The Colorado Plateau reaches its present height, and the course of Colorado River is now close to present one.',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('Divergence of polar bears and brown bears.[57]',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('Possible date of 52 km Karakul crater in Tajikistan.',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), - ('Mammoths appear.',NULL,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), + ('Mammoths appear.',-195651394180964,'5.5 Ma – 4.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('Earliest Australopithecus afarensis, bipedal great ape.',NULL,'4.5 Ma – 3.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), - ('First zebras.',NULL,'4.5 Ma – 3.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), + ('First zebras.',-110447623781007,'4.5 Ma – 3.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), ('Hominin fossil footprints in Laetoli, Tanzania.',NULL,'4.5 Ma – 3.5 Ma','Pliocene, Zanclean'), - ('Evidence of use of stone tools by A. afarensis.[58][59]',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), - ('Carbon dioxide levels like today for long period, giving Mid-Pliocene Warm Period temperatures about 3 °C higher than in pre-industrial 19th century, and sea level 20 meters higher.[60]',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), + ('Evidence of use of stone tools by A. afarensis.',-104136233381372,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), + ('Carbon dioxide levels like today for long period, giving Mid-Pliocene Warm Period temperatures about 3 °C higher than in pre-industrial 19th century, and sea level 20 meters higher.',-94669147781327,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), ('Human line loses fur (possibly).[61]',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), - ('Possible time of Isthmus of Panama connecting South and Central America. Great American Interchange. Cats, condors, raccoons and camelids move south; armadillos, hummingbirds, and opossums move north.',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), - ('Lucy, member of the species Australopithecus afarensis.',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), + ('Possible time of Isthmus of Panama connecting South and Central America. Great American Interchange. Cats, condors, raccoons and camelids move south; armadillos, hummingbirds, and opossums move north.',-85202062181287,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), + ('Lucy, member of the species Australopithecus afarensis.',-100980538181259,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), ('First Megatherium americanum, giant sloth.',NULL,'3.5 Ma – 2.8 Ma','Pliocene, Piacenzian'), - ('Homo habilis appears.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), - ('Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary extinction of marine megafauna, including megalodon shark,[62] possibly caused by a nearby supernova or supernovas of the Scorpius–Centaurus association, which deposited 60Fe on Earth.[63][64]',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), + ('Homo habilis appears.',-88357757381471,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), + ('Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary extinction of marine megafauna, including megalodon shark,[62] possibly caused by a nearby supernova or supernovas of the Scorpius–Centaurus association, which deposited 60Fe on Earth.[63][64]',-88357757381489,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Paranthropus.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Oldowan tools used near Gona, Ethiopia.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Possible tool use at Sivalik Hills, India.[65][66][67]',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), - ('Start of ice age, aka Quaternary glaciation.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), + ('Start of ice age, aka Quaternary glaciation.',-81415227941570,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Impact of Eltanin asteroid (1 to 4 km in diameter) in the Pacific.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Stone artifacts in Longgupo (Dragon Bone Slope) in China.[68] (see also Wushan Man)',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Amazon River takes present shape.',NULL,'2.8 Ma – 2.2 Ma','Beginning of Quaternary period, Pleistocene epoch, and Gelasian age, Lower Paleolithic'), ('Island Park Caldera in Wyoming and Idaho.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), ('Basin of Congo River acquires present shape.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), - ('Homo erectus appears.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), + ('Homo erectus appears.',-63112195781720,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), ('Dmanisi Man (Homo erectus georgicus) at the Dmanisi site, Georgia and in Xiaochangliang, China.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), ('Human-like Australopithecus sediba.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), ('Homo ergaster in Africa. First signs of the Acheulian culture in Kenya.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), - ('Last known terror birds.',NULL,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), + ('Last known terror birds.',-56800805381665,'2.2 Ma – 1.8 Ma','Gelasian'), ('Australopithecines go extinct.',NULL,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), - ('Out of Africa I migration by Homo erectus.',NULL,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), - ('First true hand axes.',NULL,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), + ('Out of Africa I migration by Homo erectus.',-63112195781907,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), + ('First true hand axes.',-56800805381818,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), ('Homo erectus found in Europe.',NULL,'1.8 Ma – 1.4 Ma','Beginning of Calabrian age'), - ('The Henry''s Fork Caldera in Idaho erupts.',NULL,'1.4 Ma – 1.1 Ma','Calabrian age'), + ('The Henry''s Fork Caldera in Idaho erupts.',-41022329381969,'1.4 Ma – 1.1 Ma','Calabrian age'), ('Homo antecessor. Paranthropus dies out.',NULL,'1.4 Ma – 1.1 Ma','Calabrian age'), ('Stone artifacts on Flores, Indonesia, made by hominins.[69] This required crossing seas at least 19 km wide.[70]',NULL,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), - ('Possible evidence of cooking with fire.[71][72]',NULL,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), + ('Possible evidence of cooking with fire.',-31555243782032,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), ('14 km Zhamanshin Crater formed in Kazakhstan.',NULL,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), - ('Hominin footprints and tools in England.',NULL,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), + ('Hominin footprints and tools in England.',-28399548581992,'1.1 Ma – 900 ka','Calabrian age'), ('Species of early humans found in Yun County, Hubei, sharing features of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens.[73][74]',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), ('Australasian strewnfield.',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), ('Evidence of use of fire[75] and olives, acorns, and other plant based foods,[76][77] at Daughters of Jacob Bridge, Palestine.',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), - ('Brunhes–Matuyama reversal.',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), + ('Brunhes–Matuyama reversal.',-24644271337327,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), ('Hominins present in Luzon, Philippines, possible ancestors of the Flores man.[78][79]',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), ('Homo floresiensis-like creatures on Flores, Indonesia.[80][81]',NULL,'900 ka – 700 ka','End of Calabrian age, beginning of Chibanian age (Middle Pleistocene)'), - ('Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano spreads ash over North America.',NULL,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), + ('Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano spreads ash over North America.',-20194741062199,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), ('Homo antecessor in Spain.',NULL,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), ('Homo heidelbergensis.',NULL,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), - ('Cut marks on human bones indicate cannibalism.[82]',NULL,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), + ('Cut marks on human bones indicate cannibalism.',-22088158182256,'700 ka – 550 ka','Günz glaciation'), ('Stone points possibly for spears used by Homo heidelbergensis in South Africa.',NULL,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), - ('First brown bears.',NULL,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), + ('First brown bears.',-15776767782343,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), ('Etching on a shell in Trinil in East Java, done by Homo erectus.[83]',NULL,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), ('Wooden construction by hominins, in Zambia.[84][85]',NULL,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), ('Homo heidelbergensis in Germany, France, and Greece.',NULL,'550 ka – 450 ka','Günz-Mindel interglacial Mindel glaciation'), @@ -689,25 +689,25 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Venus of Tan-Tan (300 to 500 ka ago) and Venus of B''rekhat Ram (231 to 800 ka BC).',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), ('Earliest appearance of proto-Neanderthal traits.',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), ('Sima de los Huesos hominins in Spain, related to Neanderthals.[87]',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), - ('First known homicide victim was dropped into cave.[88]',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), + ('First known homicide victim was dropped into cave.',-14198920182414,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), ('Weald–Artois Anticline breached by a massive glacial lake outburst flood, creating a valley under present-day Strait of Dover.[89]',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), ('Hominin footprints in Italy (Ciampate del Diavolo).',NULL,'450 ka – 350 ka','Mindel glaciation, Mindel-Riss interglacial'), ('Oldest known Middle Stone Age tools. Long-distance transport of obsidian.[90][91][92]',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), - ('Earliest known Homo sapiens, at Jebel Ighud, Morocco.',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), + ('Earliest known Homo sapiens, at Jebel Ighud, Morocco.',-9465377382496,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), ('Schöningen Spears[93] in an area soon covered by ice.[92]',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), ('Evidence for use of fire to pretreat stone for making blades, in the Qesem cave in Palestine.[94][95]',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), ('Stone tools in Ḥaʼil Province of Arabia.[96][97]',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), ('Geminga supernova.',NULL,'350 ka – 280 ka','Beginning of the Middle Paleolithic'), ('Jinniushan woman near Korea, with traits between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens.',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), ('Dali Man in China, with some features of Homo sapiens.[98][99]',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), - ('Homo naledi skeletons in the Rising Star cave system, South Africa – evidence of deliberate entombing of the dead,[100][101] use of fire,[102] and etchings on cave walls.[103]',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), - ('Estimated time of Y-chromosomal Adam.[104][105]',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), - ('Earliest appearance of Homo neanderthalensis based on evidence of Saccopastore skulls.',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), + ('Homo naledi skeletons in the Rising Star cave system, South Africa – evidence of deliberate entombing of the dead, use of fire, and etchings on cave walls.',-8834238342712,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), + ('Estimated time of Y-chromosomal Adam.',-8834238342610,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), + ('Earliest appearance of Homo neanderthalensis based on evidence of Saccopastore skulls.',-8834238342663,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), ('Homo sapiens Omo remains in Ethiopia.',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), ('Bedding made of ash and grass.[106]',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), ('Strait of Dover formed. Britain (possibly) becomes an island for the first time.[89]',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), ('Apparent date of stone tools at Hueyatlaco site in Mexico.',NULL,'280 ka – 220 ka',NULL), - ('Homo sapiens in Greece.[107][108]',NULL,'220 ka – 180 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), + ('Homo sapiens in Greece.',-6940821222755,'220 ka – 180 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Homo sapiens at Misliya cave in Palestine.[109][110]',NULL,'220 ka – 180 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Underground circular piles of stalagmites built by Neanderthals.[111][112]',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Use of ochre, fine stone blades and seafood at Pinnacle Point, South Africa.[113]',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Denisovans in Tibet.[116][117]',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Start of Mousterian culture.',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Peopling of Africa: Khoisan split, age of mtDNA haplogroup L0.',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), - ('Estimated time of Mitochondrial Eve.',NULL,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), + ('Estimated time of Mitochondrial Eve.',-5678543142883,'180 ka – 140 ka','Illinoian Stage (Riss glaciation)'), ('Oldest evidence of seafaring, based on human artifacts in Crete.',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Appearance of full-blown Neanderthal traits.',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Stone tools on Crete (40 km from nearest neighboring land).[118]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), @@ -726,11 +726,11 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Sea levels 5 to 10 meters above current level.[123]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Evidence of humans in southwest Victoria, Australia.[124]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Late Eemian Aridity Pulse.[125]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), - ('Tools, including a point probably made from a sperm whale tooth, used in Morocco for working leather and fur.[126][127]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), + ('Tools, including a point probably made from a sperm whale tooth, used in Morocco for working leather and fur.',-4416265062964,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Tools used at Talepu site in Sulawesi.[128][129]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Shell jewelry in Spain, apparently made by Neanderthals.[130][131]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), ('Jawbone with modern human chin in Guangxi Province.[99]',NULL,'140 ka – 110 ka','Beginning of Late Pleistocene, Eemian interglacial'), - ('Last evidence of Homo erectus.[132]',NULL,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), + ('Last evidence of Homo erectus.',-3406442599081,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), ('Shells with holes, probably used as beads, at Es Skhul cave on Mount Carmel.',NULL,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), ('Abbassia Pluvial.',NULL,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), ('Denisovan "art" (parallel lines).[133][134]',NULL,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), @@ -741,14 +741,14 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Meter-high Flores Man on island of Flores, Indonesia. Human burial at Jebel al-Qafzeh in Palestine.',NULL,'110 ka – 90 ka',NULL), ('Homo sapiens by lake in what is now the Nafūd desert of Arabia.[137][138][97]',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Shell beads in Taforalt Caves, Morocco.',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), - ('Recent African origin: Southern Dispersal of sub-Saharan Africans and non-Africans.',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), + ('Recent African origin: Southern Dispersal of sub-Saharan Africans and non-Africans.',-2207278423128,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Use of insecticidal Cape laurel on beds at Sibudu Cave in South Africa.[139]',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Tools made in Kota Tampan, Malaysia, probably by Homo sapiens.',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Abstract designs engraved on ochre and pressure flaking, at Blombos Cave in South Africa.',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Use of glue at Sibudu Cave.',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Arrowhead-like projectile points[140] and possibly poisoned arrows in southern Africa.[141][142]',NULL,'90 ka – 70 ka','Beginning of Würm glaciation'), ('Supervolcano Toba in Indonesia erupts, covering south Asia with ash and starting an ice age lasting approximately 1,000 years.',NULL,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), - ('Evidence of Aboriginal Australians Culture.',NULL,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), + ('Evidence of Aboriginal Australians Culture.',-2049493706572,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), ('Cave art in Spain, by either Neanderthals or Homo sapiens.[107][130][143]',NULL,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), ('Humans in Northern Territory, Australia.[144][145]',NULL,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), ('Neanderthal admixture to Eurasians.',NULL,'70 ka – 55 ka','Ca. 68,000 – ca. 53,000 BCE'), @@ -760,11 +760,11 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Skeleton of a Neanderthal in Iraq who lived 10 to 15 years after losing his forearm.[92]',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Remains of string in France.[149][150]',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Arrowheads used by Homo sapiens at Grotte Mandrin [fr].[151][152]',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), - ('Sewing needle in Denisovan Cave.',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), - ('Mousterian Pluvial in North Africa. The Sahara desert is wet and fertile. The Late Stone Age starts in Africa.',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), + ('Sewing needle in Denisovan Cave.',-1576139383609,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), + ('Mousterian Pluvial in North Africa. The Sahara desert is wet and fertile. The Late Stone Age starts in Africa.',-1576139383551,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Australia starts to become largely desert, maybe due to man.[153]',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Oldest known depiction of animals (warty pigs, in Sulawesi).[154][155]',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), - ('Early European modern humans.',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), + ('Early European modern humans.',-1790726657094,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Châtelperronian cultures in France.',NULL,'55 ka – 45 ka','53ka BC – 43ka BC'), ('Mungo Man in Australia.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Homo sapiens in Bacho Kiro cave in Bulgaria.[156][157]',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), @@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Tools made from animal bone, hematite, and other stones.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Foot bones seem to indicate wearing of shoes.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Ash from giant Campanian Ignimbrite eruption separates Middle Paleolithic from Upper Paleolithic cultures.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), - ('Neanderthals disappear.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), + ('Neanderthals disappear.',-1260569863680,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Start of Aurignacian culture.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Paleolithic flutes and Venus of Hohler Fels,',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), ('Dyed flax fibers in Georgia.',NULL,'45 ka – 35 ka','43ka BC– 33ka BCUpper Paleolithic'), @@ -792,14 +792,14 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel ivory sculpture.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Chauvet Cave paintings.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Successful surgical amputation (Borneo).[168][169]',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), - ('Last Glacial Maximum (peak at 24490 BC).',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), + ('Last Glacial Maximum (peak at 24490 BC).',-834965431764,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Stone mortar and pestle used to grind fern and cattail tubers.[170][171]',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Boomerang made from a mammoth tusk in Poland.[172]',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Avian figurine in ivory and stone phallus of Hohler Fels.[173]',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), - ('Earliest known ritual cremation, Mungo Lady, at Lake Mungo, Australia.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), + ('Earliest known ritual cremation, Mungo Lady, at Lake Mungo, Australia.',-1260569863790,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Paintings in 500 Bhimbetka rock shelters in India.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Venus of Dolní Věstonice (oldest known ceramic).',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), - ('Earliest ovens.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), + ('Earliest ovens.',-977287226964,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('New Guinea is populated by colonists from Asia or Australia.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('Impression of rope on fired clay.[174]',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), ('End of Aurignacian culture, beginning of Gravettian.',NULL,'35 ka – 28 ka','33ka BC– 26ka BC'), @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Harpoons and saws.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Imprint of woven cloth on clay (Czech Republic).',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Venus of Lespugue (ivory sculpture).',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), - ('First known spear thrower or atlatl.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), + ('First known spear thrower or atlatl.',-660987819241,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Humans present in Mexico.[175][176][177]',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Oruanui eruption in New Zealand.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Use of natural fiber for baby carriers, clothes, bags, baskets, and nets.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), @@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Lapedo child having mixture of Neanderthal and H. sapiens features at Abrigo do Lagar Velho, Portugal.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('Evidence suggests humans living in Alaska and Yukon, North America.',NULL,'28 ka – 22 ka','26ka BC – 20ka BC'), ('End of Gravettian culture, start of Solutrean.',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), - ('Ishango Bone, thought by some to be a tally stick.',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), + ('Ishango Bone, thought by some to be a tally stick.',-629430824163,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), ('1.9-km Tenoumer crater in Mauritania.',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), ('Human footprints in New Mexico (White Sands National Park).[178]',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), ('Apparent stone tools in use in Brazil (Toca da Tira Peia).[179][180]',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), @@ -825,55 +825,55 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Remains of mud huts in Ohalo, by the Sea of Galilee.',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), ('Pottery sherds in Xianren Cave.',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), ('Reprted date of artifacts found on Cactus Hill in Virginia.[181]',NULL,'22 ka – 18 ka','20ka BC – 16ka BC'), - ('Proto-Afroasiatic language possibly spoken at this time.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), + ('Proto-Afroasiatic language possibly spoken at this time.',-567046807764,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Vanishing of Solutrean.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Start of Magdalenian culture.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Clay figurines of animals.[182]',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Lascaux cave paintings and 7mm diameter rope.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Wisent (European bison) sculpted in clay inside the Le Tuc d''Audoubert cave on the French Pyrenees.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), - ('Minatogawa Man on Okinawa.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), + ('Minatogawa Man on Okinawa.',-756388519764,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Stone tools at the Buttermilk Creek Complex in Texas.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Earliest supposed date for domestication of pig.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Earliest known burial of dog alongside humans.[183][184]',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), - ('Evidence of massacre at Cemetery 117, prehistoric warfare.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), + ('Evidence of massacre at Cemetery 117, prehistoric warfare.',-440818999764,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Older Dryas cold spell.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), - ('Most recent glaciation gradually ends.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), + ('Most recent glaciation gradually ends.',-367508187521,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Sea level rises 30 meters in a few hundred years (Meltwater pulse 1A).',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Start of African humid period.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Start of Natufian culture in the Levant.',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), ('Flatbread (in Jordan).[185][186]',NULL,'18 ka – 14 ka','16ka – 12ka BCE'), - ('Clovis culture in the Americas.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Clovis culture in the Americas.',-425040545364,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Tooth drilling and dental filling in Italy.[187][188]',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), - ('Earliest date given for domestication of sheep.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Earliest date given for domestication of sheep.',-409262090964,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Possible outburst of water from Lake Agassiz brings about the Younger Dryas cold spell.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Signs of a possible impact event around time of end of first occupation of Abu Hureyra site.[189][190][191]',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Grain harvesting along the Nile, grain grinding culture makes the first stone sickle',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Australian aborigine-type people in Brazil (Serra da Capivara National Park).[192]',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Meltwater pulse 1B causes 7.5 meter rise in sea level.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), - ('Quaternary extinction event of large animals. Many ice age megafauna go extinct – megatherium, woolly rhinoceros, Irish elk, cave bear, giant short faced bears, cave lion, and the last of sabre-toothed cats. Mammoths go extinct in Eurasia and North America, but persist on Wrangel Island.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Quaternary extinction event of large animals. Many ice age megafauna go extinct – megatherium, woolly rhinoceros, Irish elk, cave bear, giant short faced bears, cave lion, and the last of sabre-toothed cats. Mammoths go extinct in Eurasia and North America, but persist on Wrangel Island.',-408532203902,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Natufian Shaman burial[193] and earliest known banquet.[194]',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Vela Supernova only 800 light-years away.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Spartel flooded (possible site of Atlantis).',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Arrow-shaft straighteners used by Natufian culture in the Levant.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Eruptions at Virunga Mountains blocked Lake Kivu outflow into Lake Edward and the Nile, diverting water to Lake Tanganyika,[195]',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), - ('Earliest date given for domestication of goat.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Earliest date given for domestication of goat.',-313861304650,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Göbekli Tepe (temple-like site of megalithic monuments and art).',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Lime.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Earliest known mummified body, the Spirit Cave mummy in Nevada.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), - ('Neolithic Revolution (agriculture begins, domestication of animals).',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Neolithic Revolution (agriculture begins, domestication of animals).',-367508187794,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Earliest layers of Jericho.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Urfa Man, earliest naturalistic life-sized sculpture of a human, in Upper Mesopotamia.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), - ('Domestication and agriculture allow humans to live in one place – civilization.',NULL,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), + ('Domestication and agriculture allow humans to live in one place – civilization.',-409262090964,'14 ka – 11 ka','12ka – 9ka BCE. End of Pleistocene epoch, beginning of Holocene.'), ('Copper pendant in Iraq.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Toothpicks and birch-bark chewing gum.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Megatherium goes extinct. Equidae go extinct in North America.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), - ('Humans in present-day southwestern United States begin Archaic–Early Basketmaker Era, leading to art styles for pottery and basketmaking still used in the region. Early Pueblo architecture (Chaco Culture National Historical Park).',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), + ('Humans in present-day southwestern United States begin Archaic–Early Basketmaker Era, leading to art styles for pottery and basketmaking still used in the region. Early Pueblo architecture (Chaco Culture National Historical Park).',-283034282964,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('City of Byblos appears to be settled during PPNB. Neolithic remains of several buildings at the site.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Sea rises about 20 m in the 9th millennium BCE.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Start of inex series of solar eclipses every 29 years, unbroken till present.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Cannabis achenes at archeological site in the Oki Islands, probably indicating use by human.[196][197]',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Bas relief of dancing at Nevalı Çori.[198]',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), - ('Earliest supposed date for domestication of cattle.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), + ('Earliest supposed date for domestication of cattle.',-329639846142,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('First known monumental building (stone tower 8 meters high), in Jericho.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Possible lunar time reckoner at Warren Field in Aberdeenshire.[199]',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Migration of people to the Nile, creating a more centralized society and civilized farming economy.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), @@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Post-glacial sea level rise decelerates, slowing submersion of landmasses taking place over previous 10,000 years.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Possible identical ancestors point: time of latest subgroup of human population comprising all those that are ancestors of all present-day humans, while all other people of the time have no present-day descendants.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Dog sleds used in the Arctic.[200][201]',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), - ('Earliest given date for domestication of the cat.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), + ('Earliest given date for domestication of the cat.',-298082850876,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('First human settlement at Amman; ʿAin Ghazal Neolithic settlement.',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Oldest cloth yet found (Çayönü).',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), ('Alcoholic beverage (in China).[202]',NULL,'11 ka – 9 ka','9ka – 7ka BCETransition from Mesolithic to Neolithic. Beginning of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B in Mideast, 9th millennium BCE, 8th millennium BCE'), @@ -903,9 +903,9 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Possible evidence of beer brewing at Göbekli Tepe.[198]',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), ('Lead smelting, pottery and finger rings at Çatalhöyük.',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), ('Rock painting of collecting wild honey (Spain).',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), - ('Opium.',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), - ('Wine[203] and beer.',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), - ('Cheesemaking (Poland).',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), + ('Opium.',-219920378964,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), + ('Wine and beer.',-251477287764,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), + ('Cheesemaking (Poland).',-314591191764,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), ('Sea rises 15 to 20 m in the 6th millennium BCE.',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), ('Holocene thermal maximum brings temperatures slightly warmer than in the recent past. Older Peron "transgression" (high sea level). Sahara region not desert (Neolithic Subpluvial). Domestication of the horse. Pottery revolutionized by the potter''s wheel.',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), ('Evidence of homes in Ḥalab (Aleppo).',NULL,'9 ka – 7 ka','7ka – 5ka BCEEnd of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. Ubaid period. 7th millennium BCE, 6th millennium BCE'), @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Megaliths spread through Europe.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Last mastodons.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Arsenical bronze.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), - ('Copper Age.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), + ('Copper Age.',-219920378964,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Cooper Needles are invented by Egyptians.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Continuation of Holocene thermal maximum.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Akahoya eruption in Japan creates Kikai Caldera and ends the first homogeneous Jomon culture. When the Jomon culture recovers, it shows regional differences.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), @@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Potter''s wheel is invented in mesopotamia.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Susa is a center of pottery making.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Funnelbeaker culture.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), - ('First given dates for domestication of the horse and domestication of the chicken.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), + ('First given dates for domestication of the horse and domestication of the chicken.',-172584929364,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Post Track and Sweet Track roadways.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Mġarr phase transitional period in Malta, pottery having mainly curved lines.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Large city at Tell Brak in Syria, with four mass graves seeming to indicate a period of violence.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), @@ -945,27 +945,27 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Silver mining.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Neolithic Chinese settlements. They made silk and pottery (chiefly Yangshao culture and Longshan culture), wore hemp clothing and domesticated pigs and dogs.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Gerzeh culture in Egypt — underground tombs, burial of furniture and amulets.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), - ('Invention of wheel.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), + ('Invention of wheel.',-204141924564,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('In Colombia, first rupestrian art, at Chiribiquete National Park.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Evidence of maize domestication appear in the Tehuacán Valley matorral, Mexico.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Construction of the first temple within the Mnajdra solar temple complex in Malta, having furniture such as stone benches and tables, that set it apart from other European megalith constructions.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Ta'' Ħaġrat Temples and Kordin Temples in Malta.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), ('Large city of Hamoukar, destroyed in war, maybe by Uruk.',NULL,'7 ka – 5.5 ka','5ka – 4ka BCEChalcolithic. 5th millennium BCE, beginning of 4th millennium BCE'), - ('Mound building starts in North America.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Mound building starts in North America.',-172584929364,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Egyptian numeral system invented.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Ötzi the Iceman.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Ötzi the Iceman.',-165484663764,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('City of Liangzhu in China.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Norte Chico civilization, first known civilization in the Americas.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Norte Chico civilization, first known civilization in the Americas.',-172584929364,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Cycladic culture on the Aegean islands of Greece.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Yamna culture, made by Proto-Indo-Europeans.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Sail developed on the Nile delta. Senet is invented, being this the oldest board game which we know its rules.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('A version of the Mayan calendar aka. the Mesoamerican Long Count, uses the epoch of August 11 or 13, 3114 BC. The Mayan Long Count calendar is first used c. 236 BC.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Sail developed on the Nile delta.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('A version of the Mayan calendar aka. the Mesoamerican Long Count, uses the epoch of August 11 or 13, 3114 BC. The Mayan Long Count calendar is first used c. 236 BC.',-160384730964,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('First chairs.[204] (Egypt)',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Early Dynastic Period of Egypt according to the Palermo stone. Papyrus invented in Egypt.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Neolithic homes at Skara Brae on Orkney Islands, Scotland.Oldest currently living nonclonal organism germinates at the Grove of Ancients.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by Menes as he rules whole country from Memphis. Foundation of Aniba (Nubia) and of Troy.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Phonetic writing starts in Sumer (Cuneiform), Egypt (Egyptian hieroglyphs), and Elam, triggering start of recorded history.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Bronzeworking starts in Sumer marking the start of the age of Bronze. The Egyptian pantheon originates by this time.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Phonetic writing starts in Sumer (Cuneiform), Egypt (Egyptian hieroglyphs), and Elam, triggering start of recorded history.',-156806474964,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Bronzeworking starts in Sumer marking the start of the age of Bronze. The Egyptian pantheon originates by this time.',-166273582164,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Invention of the toilet and sewerage (Indus civilization and Skara Brae).',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Oldest Petroglyphs in Australia and America.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Tin and Gold used in Mesopotamia.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), @@ -986,12 +986,12 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Founding of Tyre, according to Herodotus. Elamite kingdom appears.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('First pyramids are built: Pyramid of Djoser, Meidum pyramid, Bent Pyramid, Red Pyramid .',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Beginning of Old Kingdom of Egypt (3th dynasty).',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('Unified Indus Valley civilisation, foundation of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('Unified Indus Valley civilisation, foundation of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.',-166273582164,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Old Assyrian Kingdom formed.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Instructions of Shuruppak, wisdom literature, among oldest know literature.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Oldest Statues of known persons (e.g. Djedefre).',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Foundation of the city of Ur in Mesopotamia and its first ruler A''annepada. Reign of Mesilim, king of Kish. The 4th Dynasty of Egypt with important pharaos such as Khufu',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), - ('and Khafre. Pyramid of Khafre and Great Sphinx of Giza, monument of either Khafre or Khufu with lion''s body.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), + ('and Khafre. Pyramid of Khafre and Great Sphinx of Giza, monument of either Khafre or Khufu with lion''s body.',-142858318164,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Circle added to Stonehenge.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Camel domesticated in Bactria and Arabia.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), ('Austronesians from Formosa colonize Luzon in northern Philippines.',NULL,'5.5 ka – 4.5 ka','3477 – 2477 BCEEnd of 4th millennium BCE, beginning of 3rd millennium BCE. Beginning of Bronze Age.'), @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Hekla 4 eruption.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Destruction of Mari.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Production of honey in Egypt.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('2350 BC Middle East Anomaly (apparent Impact event) happens.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('2350 BC Middle East Anomaly (apparent Impact event) happens.',-136294423764,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('End of the Early Dynastic period in Mesopotamia.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('6th dynasty of Egypt.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Dangun founds Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom; this is presented as history rather than myth in Korea.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), @@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Akkad (city), now the largest city in world, surpasses Memphis, Egypt. Akkad (city) conquers Mari and Elam.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('The dromedary camel is domesticated.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Nomad invasions of Akkad.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Comet Hale-Bopp visits the inner solar system and would not return until AD 1997.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Comet Hale-Bopp visits the inner solar system and would not return until AD 1997.',-132018574164,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Akkad sacked by Gutians.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Elam and Mari gain idependence. Austronesian peoples reach the Batanes Islands in the Philippines as part of the Austronesian Expansion.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('The Sintashta-Petrovka-Arkaim culture emerges in the southern Urals from the Catacomb culture, likely locus of Proto-Indo-Iranian.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), @@ -1026,14 +1026,14 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('8th dynasty and',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('9th dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Fall of Akkad.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Gilgamesh epic.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Gilgamesh epic.',-128405239764,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Second Dynasty of lagash.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Solar eclipse on May 9, 2138 BC and lunar eclipse on May 24, 2138 BC may be double eclipse taking place 23 years after the crowning of Shulgi as king of Babylon.[208][209]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Uruk-Gutian war.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Sumer campaigns of Ur-Nammu.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Law code of Ur-Nammu.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Possible time of Great Flood (China) and Yu the Great.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Possible date for beginning of Xia dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Possible date for beginning of Xia dynasty.',-127458554964,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Start of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the 11th dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Fall of Ur.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Chariot emerges on Eurasian steppe, permitting the defeat of Indus Valley civilizations.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), @@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Amorite conquest of Ur.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Cacao is domesticated by Mokaya culture in Guatemala.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Fall of last Sumerian dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Farming starts in Kentucky, Eastern Agricultural Complex',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Farming starts in Kentucky, Eastern Agricultural Complex',-156806474964,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('[212]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Currently undeciphered Minoan script Linear A and Cypro-Minoan script on Crete and Cyprus.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Plimpton 322 tablet relating to Pythagorean triples.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), @@ -1056,20 +1056,20 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Yarim Lim I king of Yamhad (Ḥalab).',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Zimri-Lim enlarges and embellishes the royal palace of Mari.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Mari sacked by Hammurabi.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Code of Hammurabi.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Code of Hammurabi.',-118685671764,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Vedic period starts in Indian subcontinent. The Phaistos Disc is manufactured showing an unknown glyph-based language.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Calculation of square root of 2 in Babylon.[213]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Calculation of square root of 2 in Babylon.',-118938132564,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Hurrian conquests.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Palace complex in Knossos, Crete.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('End of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. Start of 2nd intermediate period.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, implying an approximation of pi (as 256/81 or',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Last mammoths.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Last mammoths.',-125249479764,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Beginning of Poverty Point earthworks (Louisiana).',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Tree rings show global cooling for several years, possibly caused by volcanism, e.g. the Minoan eruption (Thera), the Avellino eruption of Mount Vesuvius or eruption of Mount Aniakchak in Alaska.[214]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Earliest attestation of an Indo-European language appears in Hittite cuneiform.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Egyptian domination over Canaan and Syria.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Ugarit golden age.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), - ('Shang dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), + ('Shang dynasty.',-112626698964,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Hollow glassware.[215]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Cannabis found in Turkomen shrine.[216]',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), ('Hittite king Mursili I devastates Babylon. Beginning of Kassite dynasty.',NULL,'4.5 ka – 3.5 ka','2477 – 1477 BCE'), @@ -1087,14 +1087,14 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Hittite New Kingdom.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Elamite Empire is formed.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('The first Northwest Semitic language, Ugaritic, is attested during the so-called Ugarit golden age.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Olmec civilization.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Olmec civilization.',-112626698964,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Middle Assyrian Empire begins.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Hittite empire conquers the whole Anatolian peninsula.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Akhenaten pharaoh in Egypt, monotheistic cult to the god Athon. Short reign of Tutankhaten Thebes considered capital of Egypt.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Akhenaten pharaoh in Egypt, monotheistic cult to the god Athon. Thebes considered capital of Egypt.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Assyrian-Kassite war.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Bhagavad Gita is composed.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Ramesses II rules Egypt.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Battle of Kadesh between Egyptians and Hittites.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Bhagavad Gita is composed.',-68447009364,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Ramesses II rules Egypt.',-102496990164,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Battle of Kadesh between Egyptians and Hittites.',-102328855764,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Egyptian-Hittite peace treaty.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Assyria conquers the Hurrians.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Cimmerians appear.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), @@ -1102,17 +1102,17 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Merneptah Stele claims Egyptian desolation and pacification of Canaan, and mentions Israel, but Egypt loses power there.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Oracle bone script, which has the oldest written records in Old Chinese.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Diamonds used for making holes in beads of hard rock.[217]',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Late Bronze Age collapse causes the collapse of all empires.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Late Bronze Age collapse causes the collapse of all empires.',-100003918164,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('King Shutruk-Nakhunte of Elam invades Babylonia.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Trojan war.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Trojan war.',-100003918164,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Hittite language disappears from records due to the collapse of the empire.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Pyongyang founded.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Presumed Dorian migrations in Greece.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Collapse of the New Kingdom in Egypt.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Phoenician alphabet spreads around Mediterranean.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Start of Zhou Dynasty.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Start of Zhou Dynasty.',-95144177364,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Hekla 3 eruption.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('David and Solomon.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('David and Solomon.',-93692570964,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('First Temple is built in Jerusalem.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Tamil Brahmi script invented.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Start of the 18th dynasty in Egypt..',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), @@ -1122,19 +1122,19 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Eliyahu (Elijah) and Elisha`. Jehu king of Israel.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Olmec Pyramids and Olmec Heads are built.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Queens Athaliah and Shammuramat (Semiramis).',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), - ('Zarathustra (Zoroaster), Homer, Carthage founded. Median kingdom formed.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), + ('Zarathustra (Zoroaster), Homer, Carthage founded. Median kingdom formed.',-87381137364,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('Urartu (Ararat) becomes one of most powerful kingdoms of Near East.',NULL,'3.5 ka – 2.8 ka','1478 – 778 BCEBeginning of Iron Age.'), ('First olympiad.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Jonah.[218]',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Jonah.',-87381137364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Solar eclipse of 763 BC recorded by the Assyrians – "Revolt in the city of Aššur."',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Spring and Autumn period in China.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Spring and Autumn period in China.',-86434452564,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Hesiod.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Rome founded.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Rome founded.',-85888404564,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Kushite conquest of Egypt forming the "Kushitic dynasty".',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('King Uzziah makes weapon like ballista or trebuchet . Assyria conquers Babylon and 9 years later',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('conquers the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria).',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Isaiah.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Greek alphabet and Demotic scripts invented. Library of Ashurbanipal.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Greek alphabet and Demotic scripts invented. Library of Ashurbanipal.',-87381137364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Destruction of Babylon.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Assyria conquers Egypt. Egypt gains Independence in 652 BC.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Fall of Nineveh. Medes conquer Elam. Battle of Carchemish and end of Neo-Assyrian Empire.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), @@ -1149,22 +1149,22 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Kǒng Fūzǐ (Confucius).',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('High THC cannabis used in Xinjiang.[219]',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Gautama Buddha,',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Pythagoras.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Pythagoras.',-80123105364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Rudimentary Athenian democracy.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Greco-Persian Wars,',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Battle of Marathon.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Greco-Persian Wars,',-77882580564,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Battle of Marathon.',-77576810964,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Khshayārsha I (Xerxes the Great).',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Twelve tables of Roman law.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Mo Tzu (Micius).',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Theory of the 4 humors.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Peloponnesian War.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Peloponnesian War.',-75714890964,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Kao Gong Ji, first known technical encyclopedia.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Egypt gains independence from the Persian Empire.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Etruscan civilization.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Socrates. Hippocrates. Zeno of Elea. Plato.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Socrates. Hippocrates. Zeno of Elea. Plato.',-76945658964,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Helike sinks beneath the waves.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Aristotle.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Alexander the Great.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Aristotle.',-74231662164,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Alexander the Great.',-72738670164,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Seleucid and Ptolemaic Kingdoms.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Euclid.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('A rebellion inside the Nanda empire concludes with the formation of the Mauryan empire.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), @@ -1172,46 +1172,46 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Gallic invasion of the Balkans.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Library of Alexandria.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Ashoka the Great.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Maya script only known full writing system grown in Americas emerges.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Maya script only known full writing system grown in Americas emerges.',-68447009364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Colossus of Rhodes is built and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('First Punic War ends with razing of Carthage.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('First Punic War ends with razing of Carthage.',-69740849364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Oldest deciphered written records in South Asia (Middle Indo-Aryan).',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Kalinga war. Edicts of Ashoka.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Teotihuacan is founded.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Greco-Bactrian kingdom.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Archimedes. Eratosthenes calculates the diameter of the planet Earth.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Qin Dynasty unites China.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Archimedes. Eratosthenes calculates the diameter of the planet Earth.',-69709226964,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Qin Dynasty unites China.',-69109697364,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Beginning of Roman Warm Period.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), - ('Second Punic war.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), + ('Second Punic war.',-69015002964,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Han Dynasty.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Galatian War.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Shunga Empire in Pataliputra.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Indo-Greek Kingdom.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Antikythera mechanism orrery.',NULL,'2.8 ka – 2.2 ka','778 – 178 BCE'), ('Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabean Revolt.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Parthia gains independence from Alexander the Great''s empire. Silk road is established by this time. Roman conquest of Macedon. Third Punic War.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Parthia gains independence from Alexander the Great''s empire. Silk road is established by this time. Roman conquest of Macedon.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Mithridates the Great massacres approximately 100,000 Romans, sparking Mithridatic Wars.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('China begins mass production of paper and silk.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Sulla.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Cicero.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Pompey.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Julius Caesar.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Julius Caesar.',-63681962964,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('First and Second Triumvirates.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Tigranes. Armenia conquers Syria later to be taken by the Seleucid Empire. Start of Kanva dynasty in India.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Gaul conquest.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Egypt is absorbed by the recently formed',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Roman Empire , Yeshua (Jesus). First Census in China. Xin dynasty on the power but is quickly overthrown by Han dynasty.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Paul of Tarsus. 0 is invented in Mesoamerican calculus. Roman conquest of Britain.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Roman Empire , First Census in China.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Paul of Tarsus. Roman conquest of Britain.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('The steam engine is invented by Egyptians.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Boudican revolt. great expansion of codex and literacy throughout the Roman Empire.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('The Nerva-Antonine dynasty rules the Roman Empire. Formation of Funan civilitation.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('First Jewish–Roman War and destruction of Jerusalem. China documents over 1080 stars.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.',-59650538964,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Kushans conquer Mathura.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Trajan''s Dacian Wars.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Spread of Buddhism. Lions go extinct in west Europe. Invention of seismometer. 115 Antioch earthquake.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Spread of Buddhism. Lions go extinct in west Europe. 115 Antioch earthquake.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Second Jewish–Roman War.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Hadrian''s Wall and Antonine Wall.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Hadrian''s Wall and Antonine Wall.',-58317214164,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Kanishka the Great and the Kushan Empire. Roman-Parthian wars .',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Antonine Plague.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Almagest is written.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), @@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Expansion of Christianity, Gnosticism and Mithraism.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Yellow Turban Rebellion. Han dynasty collapses. Sassanid dynasty rebellion against Parthian empire. Reign of Roman emperor Caracalla.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Constitutio Antoniniana grants citizenship to all free Roman men.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), - ('Han Dynasty ends with the Three Kingdoms being formed in China.',NULL,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), + ('Han Dynasty ends with the Three Kingdoms being formed in China.',-55224698964,'2.2 ka – 1.8 ka','178 BCE – 223 CE'), ('Ardashir I of the Sassanid dynasty conquers the Parthian empire in the Battle of Hormozdgan.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Zhuge Liang dies of illness during the Battle of Wuzhang Plains.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Crisis of the Third Century in Roman Empire due to Emperor Severus Alexander being assassinated.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), @@ -1228,14 +1228,14 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Plague of Cyprian.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Jin Dynasty.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Diocletian.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), - ('Constantine.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), + ('Constantine.',-52493076564,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Axumite Empire adopts Christianity, conquers Meroë and the Kingdom of Kush.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('365 Crete earthquake.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Roman Empire splits.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Tiwanaku.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), - ('Classic Maya civilization. Byzantine Empire,',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), + ('Byzantine Empire,',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('East frontier of Western Roman Empire collapses as waves of Suebi, Alans and Vandals cross the frozen Rhine and enter Gaul.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), - ('Attila the Hun,',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), + ('Attila the Hun,',-48471415764,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Constantine III leads many Roman military units from Britain to Gaul and occupies Arles (Arelate). generally seen as Rome''s withdrawal from Great Britain.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Rome ransacked by Visigoths under King Alaric I.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Suebi form first independent Christian kingdom of western Europe in Gallaecia.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), @@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Teotihuacán Empire .',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Dengizich, last Khan rules Hunnic Empire.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Riothamus, King of Britons, helps the Romans against the Visigoths.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), - ('Roman Empire falls due to deposition of Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), + ('Roman Empire falls due to deposition of Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer.',-47124698964,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Chan Buddhists found the Shaolin Monastery on Mount Song in Henan, China.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Clovis I now King of Western Franks upon the death of Childeric I.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('King Clovis I defeats and subjugates the Kingdom of Thuringia in Germany.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), @@ -1262,29 +1262,29 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Beginning of Late Antique Little Ice Age.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Tang dynasty.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Sasanids temporarily conquer Egypt.',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), - ('Muhammad emigrates to Medina. Birth of Islam',NULL,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), + ('Muhammad emigrates to Medina. Birth of Islam',-42521566164,'1.8 ka – 1.4 ka','223 – 623'), ('Muslims capture Ctesiphon, the largest city in world and also the regions of Syria and Mesopotamia.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Alexandria falls to the Muslims.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Khazar khaganate.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Beginning of Turkic expansion.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Paper money in china.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Sassanian Empire collapses.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Greek fire invented.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Greek fire invented.',-40960922964,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Siege of Constantinople (674-678)',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('China adopts Buddhism.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Venice is founded.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Venice is founded.',-40171918164,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Taihō Code.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Muslim invasion of Carthage',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('and invasion of Hispania.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Siege of Constantinople (717–718).',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Battle of Poitiers.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Battle of Poitiers.',-39043102164,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Tang Census.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Paper is introduced to the Arabs.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Donation of Pepin.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Arab invasion in China.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('774–775 carbon-14 spike.[220]Tang voyages to the south-east Asian islands.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Charlemagne.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Chinese invent gunpowder.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Tang voyages to the south-east Asian islands.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Charlemagne.',-36890618964,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Chinese invent gunpowder.',-36669175764,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Leshan Buddha completed, rests in mid of the silk road to guide travelers.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Byzantine-Bulgarian wars.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Abbasid caliphate collapse.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), @@ -1297,8 +1297,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('The Samanids gain independence from Persia.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Slavic rebellion originates the Kievan Rus''.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('The kingdom of Hungary is formed .',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Vikings.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), - ('Beowulf composed.Saeculum obscurum, or "Rule of the Harlots" period of the papacy.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Vikings.',-37142474964,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), + ('Saeculum obscurum, or "Rule of the Harlots" period of the papacy.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Collapse of the Tang dynasty. Mantyasih inscription is carved.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Fatimid caliphate conquer Aghlabids.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), ('Cholas unite Tamil Nadu.',NULL,'1.4 ka – 1.1 ka','623 – 923'), @@ -1306,13 +1306,13 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Buyids conquer Baghdad.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('China invents fire arrows.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Seljuqs adopt Islam.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('Holy Roman Empire conquers Rome.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('Holy Roman Empire conquers Rome.',-31806583764,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Byzantine Empire conquers Aleppo.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Cairo is founded.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Otto the Great.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Ghaznavids rebellion.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('Harald Bluetooth unites much of Scandinavia.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('Bjarni Herjólfsson sights North America. Leifr Eiriksson goes to Vinland.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('Harald Bluetooth unites much of Scandinavia.',-31556887764,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('Bjarni Herjólfsson sights North America.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Medieval Warm Period.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Song Dynasty. Ibn Sina.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Peace and Truce of God movement.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), @@ -1324,33 +1324,33 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Canon medicine by avicenna.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Byzantine Empire conquers Armenia.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Reform of Pope Gregory VII.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('East-West Schism.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('East-West Schism.',-28889201364,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Seljuk Empire take Baghdad.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Height of Kievan Rus'' and Fatimid Caliphate, decline of Byzantine Empire.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('Norman Conquest.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('Norman Conquest.',-28502734164,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Battle of Manzikert.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Siege of Toledo.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('Almoravid invasion of Spain.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('University of Bologne founded.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('First magnetic compass are built.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), - ('First Crusade.',NULL,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), + ('First Crusade.',-27561146964,'1100 y – 900 y','923 – 1123'), ('First standing navy in china.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Khitans migrate to central Asia.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Gothic art movement spread throughout Europe.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Second Crusade.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Second Crusade.',-25971386964,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Almohads invasion of Spain.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Ghurid rebellion.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Doctrine of Purgatory.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Liuhe Pagoda is completed.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Saladins overthrows Fatimid caliphate.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Height of Khmer Empire.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Third Crusade which concluds on Richard III of England defeating the Fatimids.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Third Crusade which concluds on Richard III of England defeating the Fatimids.',-24634692564,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('First Guild stablished.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Bombard invented in China.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Liber Abaci is completed.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Sack of Constantinople.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Genghis Khan unifies Mongolia.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Magna Carta.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Genghis Khan unifies Mongolia.',-24109466964,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Magna Carta.',-23811214164,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Venice-Mongol trade pact.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Codex Gigas.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Francis of Assisi.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), @@ -1359,53 +1359,53 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Siege of Baghdad (1258) by the Mongols.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Mamluks defeat Mongol army of Hulagu Khan (under Kitbuqa) in the Battle of Ain Jalut — first known use of hand cannon.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('The Mongol Empire fractures: the Golden Horde is formed.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Thomas Aquinas.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Thomas Aquinas.',-22247546964,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Cannon.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Dante Alighieri.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Yuan Dynasty.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Marco Polo.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Beginning of Ottoman Empire.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Marco Polo.',-22058244564,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), + ('Beginning of Ottoman Empire.',-21174631764,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Islam arrives to Indonesia.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Petrarch.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Eyeglasses invented.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Pope Clement V disbanded the order of the Knights Templars.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Great Famine of 1315–1317 and beginning of the crisis of the Late Middle Ages.',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), ('Chola dynasty',NULL,'900 y – 700 y','1123 – 1323'), - ('Tenochtitlan founded.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Tenochtitlan founded.',-20348042964,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Delhi conquers Tamil Nadu .',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Beginning of Hundred Years'' War.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Beginning of Hundred Years'' War.',-19963130964,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Collapse lf Ilkhanate.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Black Death marks the beginning of the Second plague pandemic.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Black Death marks the beginning of the Second plague pandemic.',-19691489364,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Division of Chagatai Khanate.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Red Turban Rebellions.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Nagarakretagama written.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Chaucer.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Beginning of Ming Dynasty. Timurid Empire is formed. First Pound lock in Europe. Papal Schism of the Catholic Church.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Chaucer.',-17987422164,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Timurid Empire is formed. First Pound lock in Europe.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Hwacha multiple rocket launcher.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Zheng He. Timurid Empire invades of Anatolia.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Ming treasure voyages.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Forbidden City.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Beginning of the Renaissance.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Battle of Grunwald.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Battle of Agincourt.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Battle of Agincourt.',-17488462164,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Portuguese conquest of Ceuta.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Collapse of the Golden Horde.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Voynich manuscript.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Joan of Arc. 1452/1453 mystery eruption. Inca empire. Machu Picchu. Public Bank. Fall of Constantinople. Gutenberg.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), - ('Beginning of Wars of the Roses. Moskovia asserts independence.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('1452/1453 mystery eruption. Inca empire. Public Bank.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), + ('Moskovia asserts independence.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('Fall of Novgorod.',NULL,'700 y – 550 y','1323 – 1473'), ('French-Breton War.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Fall of Granada and the expulsion of Spanish Muslims.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Columbus rediscovers the New World.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars (1492 to 1537). Vasco da Gama reaches India by sea.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Columbian Exchange. Sikhism is founded. Beginning of the Safavid dynasty. Islam dominates all Indonesia.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Columbus rediscovers the New World.',-15060442164,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars (1492 to 1537).',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Columbian Exchange. Beginning of the Safavid dynasty. Islam dominates all Indonesia.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('First mobile clocks. The Renaissance movement begins in Europe',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Da Vinci,',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Da Vinci,',-15715361364,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Michelangelo. Goa established. Aragon and Castille unify.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Luther and the Reformation. Ottoman conquest of Egypt.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Ottoman conquest of Egypt.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Sack of Rome (1527).',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Siege of Vienna.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), - ('Spanish conquest of Aztecs and Incans.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), + ('Spanish conquest of Aztecs and Incans.',-14149706964,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Beginning of the Franco-Ottoman alliance and Siege of Nice.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('The Council of Trento is hold with the objective of preparing the Counter-Reformation.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), ('Barroque movement spread throughout Europe and stood as a symbol of wealth among Church and Nobility.',NULL,'550 y – 450 y','1473 – 1573'), @@ -1426,25 +1426,25 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Thermometer invented.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Rise of the Moghul Empire.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Russian Time of Troubles and Russian famine of 1601–1603, probably connected to eruption of Huaynaputina. The General Crisis.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('Gunpowder plot invented.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('Gunpowder plot invented.',-11491610964,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Russian Siberian conquest.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Beginning of Little Ice Age (ca. 1550 to 1850).',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Beginning of Northern Wars (1554 to 1721).',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('St. Bartholomew''s Day massacre and the French Wars of Religion, ending with the Edict of Nantes.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('William Shakespeare.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('St. Bartholomew''s Day massacre and the French Wars of Religion, ending with the Edict of Nantes.',-11728865364,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('William Shakespeare.',-11928535764,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Dutch East India Company is founded (being the oldest public megacorporation).',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Japan begins issolation from international influence.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('King James Bible.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('King James Bible.',-11328919764,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Dutch explorers make the first sight and contact of Australia.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('Jamestown settlement.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('Moons of Jupiter first observed.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('Thirty Years'' War.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('Jamestown settlement.',-11443658964,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('Moons of Jupiter first observed.',-11355358164,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('Thirty Years'' War.',-11095726164,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Manchu Conquest.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Start of the Qing dynasty, the last Chinese monarchy period..',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Land mines are inventec in China.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('René Descartes.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Galileo.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('English Civil War.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('English Civil War.',-10332295764,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Manchu conquest of China.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Russia reaches the Pacific Ocean. Descartes.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Fermat.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), @@ -1454,22 +1454,22 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Louis XIV.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Manchu conquer China.Mughal invades Bijapur.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Great Plague of London.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), - ('Great Fire of London.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), + ('Great Fire of London.',-9572148564,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Reflecting telescope.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Robert Boyle, Christiaan Huygens, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Isaac Newton.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Franco-Dutch War.',NULL,'450 y – 350 y','1573 – 1673'), ('Maratha Empire. Battle of Vienna and Great Turkish War.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), - ('Invention of modern calculus.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), - ('Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes and begins persecuting Protestants.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), - ('Glorious Revolution of 1688.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), + ('Invention of modern calculus.',-9435463764,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), + ('Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes and begins persecuting Protestants.',-8968558164,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), + ('Glorious Revolution of 1688.',-8872308564,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Nine Years'' War.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Austria annexes Hungary.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Seven ill years in Scotland, failure of the Darién scheme.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Prussia is formed.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('War of the Spanish Succession.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Great Northern War.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), - ('Kingdoms of England and Scotland unite to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), + ('Kingdoms of England and Scotland unite to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.',-8289108564,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Battle of Poltava in Ukraine – beginning of decline of Swedish power.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('South Sea Bubble.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), ('Mughal Empire collapses.',NULL,'350 y – 280 y','1673 – 1743'), @@ -1491,30 +1491,30 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Lisbon destroyed by earthquake, tsunami, and fire.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Seven Years'' War.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Rousseau.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), - ('American Revolution.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), + ('American Revolution.',-6106039764,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Watt engine marks the start of the Industrial revolution.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Dismantlement of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.First Anglo-Maratha War. treaty of Paris (1783).',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Eruption of Laki. First manned flying machine: a Hot air balloon. Mozart. French Revolution, Haitian Revolution. Slavery banned in Canada and in France.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('First vaccine: Smallpox.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Quasi-War between US and France. Romanticism and Nationalism movements rise through Europe by the 1800s.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), - ('Rossetta Stone found. Goya.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), + ('Rossetta Stone found. Goya.',-5379329364,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Barbary Wars between US and Barbary states.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), - ('First locomotive. Ludwig van Beethoven. Napoleon I of France is crowned French Councelor. Carl Friedrich Gauss. United Kingdom is formed.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), + ('First locomotive. Ludwig van Beethoven. Carl Friedrich Gauss.',NULL,'280 y – 220 y','1743 – 1803'), ('Napoleonic wars extend the First French Empire from Madrid to Moscow..',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Second Anglo-Maratha War.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), - ('Louisiana Purchase.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), - ('New Madrid earthquakes.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), + ('Louisiana Purchase.',-5254135764,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), + ('New Madrid earthquakes.',-4987418964,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Independence of American States from Spain. University of Berlin founded.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('War of 1812.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Eruption of Mount Tambora.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), - ('Battle of Waterloo.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), + ('Battle of Waterloo.',-4876826964,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Simón Bolívar.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('José de San Martín.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Year Without a Summer.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Third Anglo-Maratha war.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Russo-Turkish War (1828–1829).',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Wars between the British Empire and the Asante Empire.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), - ('Photography.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), + ('Photography.',-4544186964,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('July Revolution.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Electric motor.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('French conquest of Algeria..',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), @@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Hong Kong established as a British colony.',NULL,'220 y – 180 y','1803 – 1843'), ('Undeciphered Rongorongo script on Easter Island may mark latest independent invention of writing.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Spread of anaesthesia use (Diethyl ether).',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), - ('Neptune discovered.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), + ('Neptune discovered.',-3921674964,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Mexican–American War.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Oil refinery.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Revolutions of 1848.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), @@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Second Opium War.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Charles Darwin.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Solar storm of 1859.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), - ('American Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln assassinated.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), + ('American Civil War.',-3430922964,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Paraguayan War.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('First International.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Austro-Prussian War.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), @@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Great Famine of 1876–1878 in India and China.[221]',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Bone wars.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878).',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), - ('Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), + ('Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone.',-2960388564,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('War of the Pacific. First Boer War.',NULL,'180 y – 140 y','1843 – 1883'), ('Krakatoa eruption.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Invention of automobile.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), @@ -1566,31 +1566,31 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Franco-Russian Alliance.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('1896 Summer Olympics.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Henry George.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), - ('Electron discovered.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), + ('Electron discovered.',-2295799200,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Spanish–American War.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('First Zeppelin.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Boxer Rebellion.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Second Boer War.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Philippine–American War.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), - ('Wright brothers.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), + ('Wright brothers.',-2084119200,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Russo-Japanese War.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Herero atrocities by Germans in German South West Africa.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), - ('Albert Einstein''s papers on special relativity and quantization of light (photons).',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), + ('Albert Einstein''s papers on special relativity and quantization of light (photons).',-2028045600,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('1906 San Francisco earthquake.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Panic of 1907 in US.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Bakelite (phenol formaldehyde resin).',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Tunguska event.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), - ('First Model T.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), + ('First Model T.',-1937239200,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Sigmund Freud,',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Cubism,',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Spanish Invasion of the Rif.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('1911 Revolution.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Republic of China,',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), - ('RMS Titanic.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), + ('RMS Titanic.',-1821290400,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Novarupta volcano, biggest eruption of 20th century.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Assembly line. Atomic nucleus discovered.',NULL,'140 y – 110 y','1883 – 1913'), ('Panama Canal open.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), - ('World War I.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), + ('World War I.',-1749232800,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Russian Revolution of 1917 (March and October). Third International',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Poland wins the Polish–Ukrainian War and the Polish–Soviet War.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Irish War of Independence.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), @@ -1600,9 +1600,9 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Rif war',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('1923 Tokyo earthquake, fires, and massacre of Koreans.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Chinese famine of 1928–1930 kills millions.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), - ('Crash of 1929.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), + ('Crash of 1929.',-1267812000,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Joseph Stalin.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), - ('Pluto and neutrons discovered.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), + ('Pluto and neutrons discovered.',-1258135200,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('The Chrysler Building and the Empire state building are crowned as the tallest buildings marking the age of skyscrapers.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('1931 Yellow River flood.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), ('Soviet famine of 1932–1933 kills around 8 million.',NULL,'110 y – 90 y','1913 – 1933'), @@ -1617,12 +1617,12 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('LSD discovered.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Polyethylene, rise of polymers, plastic.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Winter War.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), - ('World War II. Ballistic missiles, radar, jet aircraft.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), - ('Penicillin.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), + ('World War II. Ballistic missiles, radar, jet aircraft.',-957294000,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), + ('Penicillin.',-986493600,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Chinese famine of 1942–43. Bengal famine of 1943.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Nuclear weapons, Bretton Woods system.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('The Railway Series.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), - ('United Nations. Start of the Cold War.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), + ('United Nations. Start of the Cold War.',-773694000,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Soviet famine of 1946–47.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('Creation of Pakistan and Republic of India.',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), ('ENIAC,',NULL,'90 y – 70 y','1933 – 1953'), @@ -1635,19 +1635,19 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Nuclear power.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('McCarthyism, Elvis Presley.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Suez War.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('Start of Vietnam War.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('Start of Vietnam War.',-447098400,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Sputnik.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('ARPA.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Approximately 20 million to 30 million die during the Great Chinese Famine.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Cuban Revolution.,',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('invention of laser.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Great Chilean Earthquake, most powerful recorded earthquake.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('Berlin Wall.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('Cuban Missile Crisis,',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('Berlin Wall.',-264625200,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('Cuban Missile Crisis,',-227559600,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Second Vatican Council',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('The Beatles.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('Martin Luther King "I have a dream".',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), - ('John F. Kennedy.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('The Beatles come to America.',-186170400,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('Martin Luther King "I have a dream".',-200257200,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), + ('John F. Kennedy is assassinated.',-192778200,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('American Civil Rights Movement.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Indonesian mass killings of 1965–1966.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Decolonisation.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), @@ -1656,18 +1656,18 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Six-Day War.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('ARPANET.',NULL,'70 y – 55 y','1953 – 1968'), ('Cultural Revolution (1966–1976).',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), - ('2001 (film). Vietnam War. Counterculture.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), + ('Vietnam War. Counterculture.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Greenpeace.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), - ('Stonewall riots.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), + ('Stonewall riots.',-16138800,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Sino-Soviet border conflict.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), - ('First Moon landing.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), - ('Woodstock.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), + ('First Moon landing.',-14182940,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), + ('Woodstock.',-11991600,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Unix.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Bhola cyclone kills 500,000.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Bangladesh Liberation War.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('1972 massacre of Burundian Hutus.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Yom Kippur War.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), - ('Lucy (Australopithecus) is found.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), + ('Lucy (Australopithecus) is found.',154504800,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Turkish invasion of Cyprus.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Richard Nixon resigns.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), ('Banqiao Dam and 61 other dams break in China.',NULL,'55 y – 45 y','1968–1978'), @@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Artificial insulin invented.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('1979 South Korean coup d''état, Gwangju Uprising.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Eruption of Mount St. Helens.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), - ('Pac-Man.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), + ('Pac-Man.',331275600,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('CNN.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('End of colonialism in Africa.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('First Space Shuttle flight.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), @@ -1694,12 +1694,12 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Falklands War.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Black July pogrom against Tamils in Sri Lanka.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('1.2 million die in 1983–1985 famine in Ethiopia.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), - ('Macintosh.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), + ('Macintosh.',443772000,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Bhopal disaster.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Soviet–Afghan War.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Discovery of ozone hole.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), - ('Challenger disaster.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), - ('Chernobyl.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), + ('Challenger disaster.',507314353,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), + ('Chernobyl.',514848180,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('First 80386.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Iran–Contra affair.',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), ('Mad cow disease,',NULL,'45 y – 35 y','1978–1988'), @@ -1709,19 +1709,19 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('End of Iran–Iraq War,',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('George H. W. Bush presidency.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('March 1989 geomagnetic storm cuts power in Quebec.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('Tiananmen protests.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('Communists lose power in Poland, fall of Berlin Wall.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('Tiananmen protests.',612939600,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('Communists lose power in Poland, fall of Berlin Wall.',626594400,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('US invades Panama.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('Launch of Hubble Space Telescope.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('Launch of Hubble Space Telescope.',640960431,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('First Gulf War.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('AOL.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('AOL.',746859600,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Eruption of Mount Pinatubo.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('1991 Soviet coup d''état attempt,',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('End of USSR.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('End of USSR.',693727200,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Black Wednesday attack on British pound.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Halloween massacre (Angola).',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Beginning of Clinton presidency.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), - ('First Pentium.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), + ('First Pentium.',732780000,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Bosnian War.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('End of apartheid.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('1994 Los Angeles earthquake.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), @@ -1730,8 +1730,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaty.',NULL,'35 y – 28 y','1988–1995'), ('Rising use of the Internet and the World Wide Web.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Start of World Trade Organization.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), - ('Kobe earthquake. Windows 95, Java programming language.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), - ('First cloned mammal: Dolly the sheep.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), + ('Kobe earthquake. Java programming language.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), + ('First cloned mammal: Dolly the sheep.',836542800,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Rwanda invades Zaire — First Congo War.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Tony Blair becomes PM of the UK.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('North Korean famine.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), @@ -1740,48 +1740,48 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Good Friday Agreement.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Discovery of the acceleration of the universe.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Beginning of Second Congo War.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), - ('International Space Station begins operating.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), + ('International Space Station begins operating.',911541600,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Kosovo War. 1999 Izmit, Turkey earthquake.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Beginning of Second Chechen War. Vladimir Putin becomes president of Russia.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('end of Indonesian occupation of East Timor.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), - ('Y2K scare.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), + ('Y2K scare.',946706400,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Human genome sequenced.',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), ('Start of al-Aqsa Intifada (Second Intifada).',NULL,'28 y – 22 y','1995–2001'), - ('Introduction of Wikipedia.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('Introduction of Wikipedia.',979538400,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('George W. Bush is inaugurated as president of the United States.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('2001 Gujarat earthquake.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), - ('Mac OS X.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), - ('Windows XP.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), - ('September 11 attacks.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('Mac OS X.',985413600,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('Windows XP.',1003986000,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('September 11 attacks.',1000184400,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('US invasion of Afghanistan.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('The Euro enters circulation.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), - ('Columbia disaster.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('Columbia disaster.',1044107940,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('The Darfur conflict begins.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('2003 Iraq War.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('European heat wave of 2003.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('Bam earthquake.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), - ('Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), + ('Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars.',1073190900,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('Yassir Arafat dies.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('2004 Madrid train bombings.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.',NULL,'22 y – 18 y','2001–2005'), ('Assassination of Rafic Hariri and Cedar Revolution.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('John Paul II dies. 7 July 2005 London bombings.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), - ('Gaza pullout by Israel, Great Flood of New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina), Kashmir earthquake.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), + ('Gaza pullout by Israel, Kashmir earthquake.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, 2006 North Korean nuclear test.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('Nicolas Sarkozy becomes president of France.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('Battle of Gaza (2007).',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), - ('iPhone.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), + ('iPhone.',1183093200,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('Gordon Brown becomes PM of UK.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('World population becomes more than 50% urban.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('Cyclone Sidr,',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('Cyclone Nargis. 2008 Sichuan earthquake.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('2008 Russo-Georgian War.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), - ('Financial crisis of 2007–2008.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), + ('Financial crisis of 2007–2008.',1221454800,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('2008 Mumbai attacks.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), - ('Android (operating system).',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), + ('Android (operating system).',1222146000,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), ('2008-2009 Israel-Gaza conflict.',NULL,'18 – 14 years','2005–2009'), - ('Barack Obama president of US.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), - ('Introduction of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), + ('Barack Obama president of US.',1232431200,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), + ('Introduction of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.',1231480800,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Northwest Passage opens for first time in recorded history.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2009 swine flu pandemic.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2010 Haiti earthquake.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), @@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('iPad.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Smolensk air disaster kills Polish president and 95 others.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), - ('Deepwater Horizon oil spill.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), + ('Deepwater Horizon oil spill.',1271739600,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Large Hadron Collider begins operating.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2010 European sovereign debt crisis.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2010 United Kingdom general election brings David Cameron to power.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), @@ -1802,31 +1802,31 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('2010–2011 Tunisian revolution.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Egyptian Revolution of 2011.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('February 2011 Christchurch earthquake.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), - ('Fukushima nuclear accident.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), + ('Fukushima nuclear accident.',1299823200,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Beginning of Syrian Civil War.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), - ('Killing of Osama bin Laden.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), + ('Killing of Osama bin Laden.',1304312400,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Last Space Shuttle flight.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2011 England riots.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2011 Libyan civil war ends rule of Mu`ammar al-Qaddhafi,',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('2011 Thailand floods.',NULL,'14 – 11 years','2009–2012'), ('Largest strike-slip earthquake ever recorded.[222]',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('François Hollande becomes president of France.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('Discovery of the Higgs boson.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('Curiosity rover lands on Mars.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('Discovery of the Higgs boson.',1333515600,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('Curiosity rover lands on Mars.',1344230277,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('2012 Summer Olympics.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Hurricane Sandy.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('Gangnam Style becomes the most-viewed YouTube video.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('Gangnam Style becomes the most-viewed YouTube video.',1353736800,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('November 2012 Gaza conflict.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.',1355464800,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('2012 phenomenon.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('France intervenes in the Northern Mali conflict.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Chelyabinsk meteor.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Hugo Chavez dies.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('Benedict XVI resigns, Jorge Mario Bergoglio becomes Pope Francis.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('Benedict XVI resigns, Jorge Mario Bergoglio becomes Pope Francis.',1363150800,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Cyprus bailout.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('2013 protests in Turkey.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('2013 Egyptian coup d''état and August 2013 Rabaa massacre.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), - ('2013 NSA surveillance scandal.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), + ('2013 NSA surveillance scandal.',1370494800,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Ghouta chemical attack.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the most powerful on record.',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), ('Central African Republic conflict (2013–2014),',NULL,'11 – 9 years','2012–2014'), @@ -1851,7 +1851,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('2015 military intervention in Yemen,',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), ('April 2015 Nepal earthquake,',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), ('2015 Rohingya refugee crisis.',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), - ('US Supreme Court allows same-sex marriage.',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), + ('US Supreme Court allows same-sex marriage.',1435294800,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), ('Greek bailout referendum,',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), ('Iran nuclear deal, Turkey-PKK conflict restarts, New Horizons flies by Pluto,',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), ('Beginning of European refugee crisis.',NULL,'9 – 7 years','2014–2016'), @@ -1863,19 +1863,19 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Saudi Arabia executes Nimr al-Nimr.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Sanctions on Iran are lifted.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('January 2016 North Korean nuclear test and satellite launch.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('LIGO announces discovery of gravitational waves.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('LIGO announces discovery of gravitational waves.',1442206800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Zika fever outbreak, ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter launched.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 Brussels bombings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Panama Papers.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Panama Papers.',1459659600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 Ecuador earthquake.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 Fort McMurray Wildfire.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Britain votes to leave the EU.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Britain votes to leave the EU.',1466658000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Panama Canal widened.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Atatürk Airport attack.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('July 2016 Baghdad bombings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 shooting of Dallas police officers.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2016 Nice truck attack.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2016 Nice truck attack.',1468528200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Turkish coup d''état attempt.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('July 2016 Kabul bombing.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 Summer Olympics.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1884,9 +1884,9 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Hurricane Matthew.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Colombian peace agreement referendum.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('October 2016 Central Italy earthquakes.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Paris climate agreement becomes law.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Donald Trump elected.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Fidel Castro dies.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Paris climate agreement becomes law.',1461301200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Donald Trump elected.',1478584800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Fidel Castro dies.',1480053600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2016 Italian constitutional referendum.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Impeachment of Park Geun-hye.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Berlin Christmas market truck attack.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1895,8 +1895,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('WikiLeaks publishes Vault 7.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2017 Shayrat missile strike.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2017 Turkish constitutional referendum.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('WannaCry ransomware attack.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Emmanuel Macron president of France.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('WannaCry ransomware attack.',1494565200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Emmanuel Macron president of France.',1494738000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Manchester Arena bombing.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('May 2017 Kabul attack.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1904,8 +1904,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('2017 United Kingdom general election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('North Korea tests ICBMs.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Mawsil recaptured from IS.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Despacito becomes the most-viewed YouTube video.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Despacito becomes the most-viewed YouTube video.',1501822800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.',1502427600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2017 Barcelona attacks.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit the Caribbean and the US.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Northern Rakhine State clashes.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1913,7 +1913,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Cassini–Huygens plunges into Saturn.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2017 Central Mexico earthquake.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Maria devastates Dominica and Puerto Rico.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2017 Las Vegas shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2017 Las Vegas shooting.',1506920700,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2017 Catalan independence referendum.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('October 2017 Northern California wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('October 2017 Mogadishu bombings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('December 2017 California wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2018 Southern California mudflows.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Hawaii missile panic.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Hawaii missile panic.',1515866903,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Turkish invasion of Afrin.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Jacob Zuma resigns.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1945,8 +1945,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('National Museum of Brazil fire.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Florence.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as US Supreme Court justice.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Murder of Jamal Khashoggi.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as US Supreme Court justice.',1538802000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Murder of Jamal Khashoggi.',1538456400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Michael.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Yellow vests movement in France.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Leslie hits Iberia.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -1961,27 +1961,27 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Protests in Sudan and Zimbabwe.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Juan Guaidó recognized by many countries as interim president of Venezuela.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Cyclone Idai, possibly the worst weather-related natural disaster in history in the southern hemisphere.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Christchurch mosque shootings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Boeing 737 MAX groundings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Beginning of 2019–20 Hong Kong protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Christchurch mosque shootings.',1552626000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Boeing 737 MAX groundings.',1552453200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Beginning of 2019–20 Hong Kong protests.',1552626000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigns.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Western Libya offensive.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('First photography of a black hole.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Omar al-Bashir removed from power.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Notre-Dame de Paris fire.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Redacted Mueller Report released.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Notre-Dame de Paris fire.',1555345200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Redacted Mueller Report released.',1555563600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Naruhito accedes to the throne of Japan.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Escalating tension between US and Iran.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Beginning of 2019–20 locust infestation around horn of Africa.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Boris Johnson becomes prime minister of UK.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Boris Johnson becomes prime minister of UK.',1563944400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Amazon rainforest wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Dorian devastates areas of the Bahamas.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Papua protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Attacks on two Saudi oil facilities.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Egyptian protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Indonesian protests and riots.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump opens.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump opens.',1569301200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('September 2019 climate strikes.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Riots in Iraq.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 Ecuadorian protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2000,15 +2000,15 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('2019 Maltese protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2019 United Kingdom general election won by Tories.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Protests in India over citizenship act.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Congress votes for the impeachment of Donald Trump.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis, killing of Qasem Soleimani, downing of UIA 752 near Tehran.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('COVID-19 pandemic.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Congress votes for the impeachment of Donald Trump.',1576648800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis, killing of Qasem Soleimani, downing of UIA 752 near Tehran.',1578031200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('COVID-19 pandemic.',1577858400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Police arrest 15 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan, costliest cyclone in Indian Ocean.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('China proposes amending the Hong Kong Basic Law.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('George Floyd protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('George Floyd protests.',1590469200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hong Kong national security law imposed.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2020 deployment of federal forces in the United States.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2020 deployment of federal forces in the United States.',1590987600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2020 Beirut explosions.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2020–21 Belarusian protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Israel-United Arab Emirates accord.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2027,34 +2027,34 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Start of Tigray War in Ethiopia.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Iota ends the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season with a record 28 storms.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Arecibo collapses.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Arecibo collapses.',1606802400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Kent variant of the COVID-19 virus.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2021 storming of the United States Capitol.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2021 storming of the United States Capitol.',1609912800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Inauguration of Joe Biden.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Alexei Navalny releases video about Putin''s Palace, returns to Russia and is imprisoned.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 Myanmar coup d''état. and 2021 Myanmar protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Mario Draghi becomes PM of Italy.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Perseverance rover lands on Mars.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Perseverance rover lands on Mars.',1613681700,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 Bata explosions in Equatorial Guinea.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Number of displaced persons from Islamist insurgency in Mozambique exceeds half a million.[223]',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2021 Suez Canal blockage.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2021 Suez Canal blockage.',1616478000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Ingenuity helicoper is deployed from Perseverance rover.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 eruption of La Soufrière on Saint Vincent (Antilles).',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Natanz uranium enrichment facility sabotaged.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Russian troops deploy around Ukraine.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Tiangong space station begins construction.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Chadian president Idriss Déby killed.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Derek Chauvin convicted for the murder of George Floyd.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Derek Chauvin convicted for the murder of George Floyd.',1618894800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 Israel–Palestine crisis.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Ryanair forced landing in Belarus.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 Mount Nyiragongo eruption.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Naftali Bennett replaces Binyamin Netanyahu as PM of Israel.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Ebrahim Raisi wins 2021 Iranian presidential election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Surfside condominium building collapse.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Surfside condominium building collapse.',1624512120,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Tigray Defense Forces retake Mekelle.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2021 Western North America heat wave sets records.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('U.S. abandons Bagram Air Base and Taliban take over much of Afghanistan.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('U.S. abandons Bagram Air Base and Taliban take over much of Afghanistan.',1625202000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Increasing ransomware attacks.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Spate of kidnapping in Nigeria.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Assassination of Jovenel Moïse, president of Haiti.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2074,45 +2074,45 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('2021 Belarus–European Union border crisis.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('November 2021 riots in the Netherlands.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Omicron variant.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Olaf Scholz becomes chancellor of Germany.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Olaf Scholz becomes chancellor of Germany.',1638943200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Largest tornado outbreak on record in December.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Typhoon Rai.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Launch of James Webb Space Telescope.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Launch of James Webb Space Telescope.',1640434800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Kazakh protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha''apai eruption and tsunami.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Canada convoy protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('January 2022 Burkina Faso coup d''état.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('We Don''t Talk About Bruno becomes a global hit.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Cryptocurrency crash.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.',1645682400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Gabriel Boric becomes president of Chile.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2022 Sri Lankan protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2022 Sri Lankan protests.',1647320400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 monkeypox outbreak.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Bongbong Marcos is elected president of the Philippines.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Buffalo shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is elected president of Somalia.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Anthony Albanese elected prime minister of Australia.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Robb Elementary School shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Robb Elementary School shooting.',1653368400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Mona Lisa gets attacked by a climate change activist.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Tulsa hospital shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('June 2022 Afghanistan earthquake.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Roe v. Wade is overturned.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Roe v. Wade is overturned.',1656046800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('NATO summit in Madrid; Finland and Sweden consider entering the organization.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Yair Lapid replaces Naftali Bennett as prime minister of Israel.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Karakalpak protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Highland Park parade shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Assassination of Shinzo Abe.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Assassination of Shinzo Abe.',1657256400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Nancy Pelosi Taiwan visit.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 European and Mediterranean wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Israel-Islamic Jihad conflict.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('FBI search of Mar-a-Lago.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('FBI search of Mar-a-Lago.',1659934800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Cetinje shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Stabbing of Salman Rushdie.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 China heat wave, most severe recorded anywhere.[224]',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Pakistan floods.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Liz Truss becomes prime minister of the UK.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Death of Elizabeth II.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Liz Truss becomes prime minister of the UK.',1662440400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Death of Elizabeth II.',1662613200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Fiona, most intense to hit Canada.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Hurricane Ian, deadliest in Florida since 1935.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2120,9 +2120,8 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('September 2022 Burkina Faso coup d''état.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Nigeria floods.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Mahsa Amini protests in Iran.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Rishi Sunak becomes prime minister of the UK.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Rishi Sunak becomes prime minister of the UK.',1666674000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Attack on Paul Pelosi.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Elon Musk purchases Twitter.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 COVID-19 protests in China.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Launch of Artemis 1.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2022 Chesapeake shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2136,18 +2135,18 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Signed the tigray peace agreement.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Israeli anti-Judicial reform protests.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 French pension reform strikes.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2023 Chinese balloon incident.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2023 Chinese balloon incident.',1674885600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Peshawar mosque bombing.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Cyclone Freddy.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2023 Ohio train derailment.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2023 Ohio train derailment.',1675475700,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Nigerian general election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Windsor framework.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('train crash in Thessaly.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Canadian wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 People''s Republic of China presidential election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('ChatGPT is developed.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.',1678428000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('ChatGPT is developed.',1669788000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Nashville school shooting.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Saint Petersburg bombing.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Finland becomes member of NATO.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2157,23 +2156,23 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('SpaceX Starship explodes.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 banking crisis.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('COVID-19 is no longer considered a threat by the World Health Organization.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('The coronation of Charles III and Camilla.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('The coronation of Charles III and Camilla.',1683349200,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Syria is readmitted into the Arab League.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('May 2023 Greek legislative election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Odisha train collision.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Central Canada wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2023 United States East Coast wildfire smoke.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2023 United States East Coast wildfire smoke.',1685682000,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Scientists report the creation of the first synthetic Human embryonic development.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Titan submersible implosion.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Titan submersible implosion.',1687064400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Canary Islands migrant boat disaster.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('June 2023 Greek legislative election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Wagner Group rebellion with the Russian military.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Wagner Group rebellion with the Russian military.',1687496400,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('July 2023 Jenin incursion.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Iran joins the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('SAG-AFTRA announces it will begin 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('SAG-AFTRA announces it will begin 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.',1689310800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 FIFA Women''s World Cup.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Greece wildfires.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('Barbieheimer movement.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('Barbieheimer movement.',1689915600,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Cambodian general election.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Spanish general elections.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('2023 Nigerien coup d''état and posterior crisis.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), @@ -2184,7 +2183,7 @@ start of the Cenozoic era and the Paleogene period, Paleocene epoch (66–56 Ma) ('Expected establishment of the East African Confederation. India''s Chandrayaan-3 becomes the first spacecraft to land near the south pole of the Moon. Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is reportedly killed on a plane crash.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Launch of Aditya-L1.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('XRISM and SLIM were launched.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), - ('2023 Israel–Hamas war.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('2023 Israel–Hamas war.',1696654800,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Launch of Psyche.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Launch of XPoSat on 1st January 2024.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), ('Next Bangladeshi general election, if not sooner. @@ -2365,7 +2364,37 @@ The Sun becomes a black dwarf.',NULL,'100 Ta – 1 petaannus',NULL), ('Barium-130, Germanium-78, Xenon-136, and Krypton-78 decay.',NULL,'1 – 10 Za',NULL), ('Xenon-124 decays.',NULL,'10 – 100 Za',NULL), ('Tellurium-128 decays.',NULL,'1 – 10 Ya',NULL), - ('Only solitary objects remain in the universe by this point.',NULL,'1 – 10 Qa',NULL); + ('Only solitary objects remain in the universe by this point.',NULL,'1 – 10 Qa',NULL), + ('Elon Musk purchases Twitter.',NULL,'7 – 0 years','2016–2023'), + ('New Horizons flies by Pluto.',1436874540,NULL,NULL), + ('Great Flood of New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina).',1125291600,NULL,NULL), + ('2001 (film).',-55188000,NULL,NULL), + ('Windows 95.',809240400,NULL,NULL), + ('President Abraham Lincoln assassinated.',-3304433364,NULL,NULL), + ('French Revolution.',-5700996564,NULL,NULL), + ('Napoleon I of France is crowned French Councelor.',-5366282964,NULL,NULL), + ('United Kingdom is formed.',-5333105364,NULL,NULL), + ('Vasco da Gama reaches India by sea.',-14883070164,NULL,NULL), + ('Sikhism is founded.',-14917370964,NULL,NULL), + ('Luther and the Reformation.',-14269111764,NULL,NULL), + ('Beginning of Ming Dynasty.',-18995364564,NULL,NULL), + ('Papal Schism of the Catholic Church.',-18659009364,NULL,NULL), + ('Joan of Arc.',-16996327764,NULL,NULL), + ('Machu Picchu.',-16409585364,NULL,NULL), + ('Fall of Constantinople.',-16302103764,NULL,NULL), + ('Gutenberg.',-16756740564,NULL,NULL), + ('Beginning of Wars of the Roses.',-16239636564,NULL,NULL), + ('Leifr Eiriksson goes to Vinland.',-30610202964,NULL,NULL), + ('774–775 carbon-14 spike.',-37742090964,NULL,NULL), + ('Beowulf composed.',-31399121364,NULL,NULL), + ('Classic Maya civilization.',-54277927764,NULL,NULL), + ('Third Punic War.',-66869172564,NULL,NULL), + ('Yeshua (Jesus).',-62324964564,NULL,NULL), + ('Xin dynasty on the power but is quickly overthrown by Han dynasty.',-68510081364,NULL,NULL), + ('0 is invented in Mesoamerican calculus.',-63271649364,NULL,NULL), + ('Invention of seismometer.',-58001681364,NULL,NULL), + ('Short reign of Tutankhaten.',-104169434964,NULL,NULL), + ('Senet is invented, being this the oldest board game which we know its rules.',-144814759764,NULL,NULL); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "timeline" ON "events" ( "timestamp" );